Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2187: Martial Arts Master Su Yunxi 1

When Mu Yue was about to walk down the stairs, the voice of a girl came into her ears.


Hearing this unfamiliar voice, Mu Yue didn't hear her footsteps, but she turned her head slightly and glanced at a young girl who was walking quickly towards her.

Mu Yue glanced at this young girl, and she turned out to be a trainer!

Then he glanced at the young girl carefully, and couldn't help but raised her eyebrows, "It's still bright, really good!"

However, before she waited for Mu Yue to look again, the girl's questioning words came into Mu Yue's ears, "I heard you went to our class to bully our classmates?"

Mu Yue glanced at the girl faintly, then glanced at Yang Xue who was running over.

Yang Xue also pointed to Mu Yue and cried out, "Su Yunxi, it is her. She not only bullied the squad leader, wounded the squad leader, but also fell me to the ground!"

Su Yunxi heard Yang Xue's words and stared at Mu Yue angrily, "What do you have to say?"

Mu Yue shrugged, as she leaned on the handrail in the corridor lightly, and said faintly, "Do you believe that what they are saying is true?"

"Isn't it? So many classmates have seen it, don't you still want to deny it?" Su allowed to say nothing, but Yang Xue asked Mu Yue, "Su Yunxi, you have to do it for you." I take revenge with the monitor!"

Su Yunxi pointed to Yang Xue and ordered Mu Yue, "I heard, you must apologize to the monitor and Yang Xue!"

"What if I don't?" Mu Yue looked at Su Yunxi with a smile.

Su Yunxi shook her fist and shook it in front of Mu Yue, "If not, then let me have a fight?"

"That also depends on whether you have this ability!" Mu Yue glanced at Su Yunxi with some disdain.

Su Yunxi was so mad at Mu Yue's words that she dared to look down upon her.

"Looking for a fight!" Su Yunxi yelled, and greeted Mu Yue directly with his fist.

Seeing Su Yunxi's move, Yang Xue was delighted, her hands still clenched into fists, and there was an excited smile on her face.

However, at the same time, there are not only Yang Xue who are in this mood, but also Condensation Mo who is standing at the door of the class and watching.

She felt that as long as Su Yunxi shot, then Mu Yue would be beaten miserably by her, and she would be able to take revenge.

Who made Mu Yue dared to be rude to her, and even threatened her, causing her to be embarrassed and injured.

Mu Yue easily dodged Su Yunxi's fist attack, staggering her light footsteps, and every fist of Su Yunxi fell through.

Su Yunxi stared in disbelief, she didn't expect that her fist would not be able to hit the girl in front of her.

Su Yunxi, who was surprised in her heart, was not hiding either, with his fists and feet superimposed, and attacked towards Mu Yue.

Mu Yue's expression was relaxed, but this time she did not dodge like just now, but used her own hands.

Both hands gently opened Su Yunxi's attacking fists, legs and feet, making her attacks missed.

Su Yunxi was even more surprised, "I didn't expect you to have a second time. No wonder you dare to be so arrogant!"

Seeing Mu Yue's skill is so good, Su Yunxi felt that because of this, she dared to be so arrogant in her class, no one could beat her!

Mu Yue chuckled, with a backhand, directly grabbing Su Yunxi's wrist and pressing her on the handrail in the corridor.

This scene stunned Yang Xue and the group of students who were poking their heads out of the class, staring at their own eyes with a look of disbelief.

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