Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2196: Mu Yue's identity 1

Before going to Linshi, Mu Yifeng was a student of this middle school, but now it’s not a hindrance. Both Yan Xue and Yang Xue know about Mu Yifeng’s Identity, so they are shocked.

Yang Xue and Ning Mo were puzzled, guessing about the various relationships between Mu Yue and Mu Yifeng, but they couldn't figure it out.

What's more, Mu Yue and Mu Yifeng are a pair.

However, Mu Yifeng didn't know what Ning Mo and Yang Xue thought, and only paid attention to Mu Yue.

Mu Yifeng suddenly became a little unhappy, and complained to Mu Haiye, "You should be in the same class as me, why are you in the same class! How did Dad arrange it!"

Mu Yue touched her nose helplessly, a little helpless not knowing what to say.

"It's okay, you are in the second class, if I have anything, you can come and help me too!" Mu Yue smiled and comforted Mu Yifeng.

Mu Yifeng nodded, "Then if anyone dares to bully you, just tell me, I'll help you teach him! Dare to bully my baby sister and find death!"


The classmates of the whole class couldn't help taking a breath when they heard the "my baby sister" mentioned by Mu Yifeng.

Mu Yifeng used to be a student in No. 1 Middle School, and his identity is very clear even as a student in Class 1.

And today Mu Yifeng returned to No. 1 Middle School, and of course everyone's comments were indispensable.

There is a lot of discussion, but the Mu family said before that there was a little princess who returned to the Mu family, Mu Yifeng's cousin.

However, they didn't expect that the younger sister was actually the new student from their class, Mu Yue.

Yang Xue covered her mouth with her hands, and her entire face was shocked and unbelievable. She didn't expect that Mu Yue turned out to be the little princess of Mu's family who was lost outside.

She also heard that Mu Yue is very favored in Mu's house.

Moreover, Mu Yue is not just a little princess of the Mu family, she also founded a Longteng Group from scratch herself.

Last month, the news was still raging about Mu Yue and He Li, which led to a fight between the He’s consortium and the Longteng Group. In the end, the Longteng Group won. The He’s consortium not only apologized, but also compensated for the economic losses. It costs 200 million yuan.

These are things that the public knows, and they know more or less.

However, this was enough for them to be shocked, and the protagonist of that incident was the girl in front of them, and everyone was shocked.

"Wow, really?"

"Mu Yue is Mu Yifeng's younger sister?"

"Don't tell me, they are all named Mu, they must belong to the Mu family!"

"Really, both of them have the last name Mu, why didn't I expect it!"

"Tsk! Before, Yu Li said that Mu Yue was a country bumpkin, and he still looked down on others! Hehe, who is looking down on whom now!"

"That's right, how did I really realize that the monitor's character is so bad before!"

"It's not too late to see today! And it also showed me the legendary little princess Mu family!"

The students in Class 1 all bowed their heads and started talking. That's an excitement!

But those who are in a different mood from these people are Yang Xue and Ning Mo.

In their hearts at this time, they don't know what emotions are, they are regret? Is it ashamed? Still resentful!

In fact, Mu Yue's identity gave them too much shock.

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