Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2197: Mu Yue's Identity 2

The surrounding discussion sounded into Mu Yifeng's ears. It was an anger to hear that someone dared to bully his sister!

With a "pop", Mu Yifeng slapped the table fiercely, stood up, glanced coldly at the classmates in the class, "Just now you said, who bullied my sister?"


Facing Mu Yifeng's powerful momentum and anger, your students in the class raised their hands together and pointed towards Ning Mo and Yang Xue.

The two Ning Mo and Yang Xue who were pointed out turned pale in an instant.

They never expected that these classmates would sell them so quickly.

However, they didn't want to think about it. They had already left a bad impression in front of these students. If they didn't take advantage of this opportunity to please Mu Yifeng, they would be fools.

Mu Yifeng squinted his eyes, glanced coldly at Ning Mo and Yang Xue, and asked Mu Yue, "Sister Yue, how did these two little **** bully you?"

But Mu Yue didn't complain to Mu Yifeng, and pulled his hand, "Brother Yifeng, I have revenge, no need!"

"Why don't you use it?" Mu Yifeng was reluctant, staring at them angrily, "You bullied my Mu Yifeng's sister, you can't just say something and everything will be done!" Mu Yifeng was vicious. Grit your teeth.


All the boys and girls in the class swallowed, and subconsciously shrank their necks, feeling that they couldn't mess with Yifeng.

When Ning Mo and Yang Xue heard this, their faces became paler, and their lips were trembling.

Sure enough, what they fear most is that Mu Yifeng asks them to help Mu Yue get revenge.

"Pop!" Su Yunxi shot the case and said to Mu Yifeng, "This condensed Mo said that Mu Yue's status was low, and threatened her not to approach Sheng Yingfan. It lied to me and asked me to do something to Mu Yue, and This Yang Xue, did not let Mu Yue sit in the seat, and also lied to me to tell Mu Yuedong to be their thug, beat Mu Yue!"

Compared to the others in the class, Su Yunxi is not afraid of Mu Yifeng.

Although she had beaten Mu Yue just now, she took the initiative to admit her mistakes and was willing to pay for her mistakes. If Mu Yifeng were to beat herself, she would not have any complaints.

When Mu Yifeng heard Su Yunxi's words, he turned his head and glanced, "You hit my sister Yue?"

Mu Yue heard this and immediately spoke for Su Yunxi, "Brother Yifeng, this matter has nothing to do with her. She was deceived. Moreover, after she knew the truth, she apologized to me. Besides, she didn't hurt her. I, on the contrary, I pressed her and hit me, and I was beaten to the ground!"

Originally, Su Yunxi was happy when she heard Mu Yue speak for herself, but when she heard it, her pretty face went dark.

What does it mean to be beaten by her and beaten down by her, can you give her six points of face?

After Mu Yifeng listened to Mu Yue's words, she knew Mu Yue's skill, and naturally believed that Su Yunxi could not hurt her sister.

"I'll be so stupid in the future and become someone else's executioner. Fortunately, sister Yue is fine this time, otherwise, I don't mind letting my second uncle act on you!" Mu Yifeng gritted his teeth and surrounded Su Yunxi fiercely.

Su Yunxi pursed her lips, a touch of fear and fear flashed in her eyes, turning her head and glaring at Ning Mo and Yang Xue.

It was because of the two of them. If it weren't for them, she wouldn't have offended Mu Yue.

Fortunately, Mu Yue was magnanimous, and now she still speaks for herself, without making her pay the price.

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