Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2198: Mu Yue's Identity 3

Mu Yifeng looked at Ning Mo and Yang Xue coldly, "You are called Ning Mo and Yang Xue, right? I remember you! Everything you have done to my sister Yue, I will exchange them for you one by one. For your family!"

When Ning Mo and Yang Xue heard Mu Yue's words, their bodies trembled severely.

They didn't expect that they just caused trouble for Mu Yue, but it caused trouble to their whole family, and a chill rushed from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads.

All the students in the classroom showed a gloating smile.

Hahaha, deserve it, it really is self-inflicted and can't live!

I made you look down on Mu Yue before, but now it's alright. After Mu Yue walked out of such a powerful backer, now it's your turn to be unlucky.

Although Ning Mo was frightened by Mu Yifeng's threat in his heart, he still stood up.

Aggrieved with a pair of eyes, he looked at Mu Yifeng wetly, "Mu Shao, are you a bit too much!"

Mu Yifeng's smile became even more icy when she heard Li Mo's words, "Go? If it wasn't for my sister Yue who was a little skillful, she would already be lying on the hospital bed, don't you think you should do it yourself? Is that too much?"

The students in the class nodded together, agreeing with Mu Yifeng's words in their hearts, "Yes, if Mu Yue has no skills, now, it is estimated that Mu Yue is lying in bed!"

They are very clear about Su Yunxi's skills, and they will never give up if they don't lie in bed!

"Hmph, Yu Mo, you used me to make me hurt Mu Yue. Haven't you thought about the consequences? If Mu Yue's skill is better than me, now, the consequences are not something you can bear. Yes!" Su Yunxi was also angry.

She was completely used by this despicable villain. If she really beats Mu Yue, it is estimated that their family will also be in trouble.

Now I think of what Mu Yue said to her just now, telling her not to talk about it casually. Even if it turns out, she must figure out the causes and consequences of the matter. Otherwise, the consequences are not something she can bear.

Now, Su Yunxi was really grateful to Mu Yue, if it weren't for her large number of grown-ups, she would never say this to her.

The people she offended in the past did not have such a big backing. Today, she almost got into trouble, and because of her recklessness, she almost got into trouble, causing huge losses to her family.

When Lingmo heard Mu Yifeng’s words, her tears flowed violently, and she pushed the nickname on other people’s heads, "Again... I didn’t ask you to fight Mu Yue, but Yang Xue asked you to fight. This matter has nothing to do with me!"

She absolutely cannot admit this, otherwise, she can guarantee that if her family has offended the Mu family, she will definitely not be able to eat, not to mention that she has offended Su Yunxi because of it, and she does not want to be in this class. Go down.

"You!" Yang Xue, who wanted to think of herself as air but was pushed out, immediately stared at Ning Mo angrily, "Who came to Su Yunxi first? Who distorted the facts first! Su Yunxi misunderstood the truth. Mu Yue's fault!"

Mu Yue looked at Yang Xue and Ning Mo who were arguing, and she sneered in her heart, and she actually started fighting.

Everyone in the class looked at the two guys who shirked each other's responsibilities with sarcasm and contempt. They only felt that Ningmo kept refreshing her image in their hearts.

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