Yuyunxuan was born prematurely. The growth of body functions caused by congenital deficiency was slow, and it could not keep up with Yuyunxuan's body growth rate, as well as the changes in the surrounding environment.

And because Yu Yunxuan's birth date has yin, it takes a lot of aura and yang to stabilize the yin and yang in his body.

She is now going to catch the external force to help Yu Yunxuan regulate the yin and yang of the body, restore the body's functions, and operate according to normal functions.

Master Yu looked at Mu Yue's needle speed, it seemed to be very slow, it was nearly ten minutes before he had pierced a silver needle.

However, what he didn't know was that Mu Yue was introducing the vitality in his body into Yu Yunxuan's body through the silver needle.

Because Yu Yunxuan's body is very weak, moreover, these heaven and earth auras must not be wasted into Yu Yunxuan's body, so that his body can slowly absorb it, and the speed is naturally not fast.

I am anxious to eat hot tofu, which is the case.

The old man turned his head and asked old man Mu curiously, "Old Mu, why is the needle injection speed so slow?"

Elder Mu shook his head and said, "Don't ask me, I don't know, I don't study Chinese medicine!"

"It's really useless, you keep watching, don't you?" The old man couldn't help but spit on him, only thinking that those who are close to Zhu are red and close to Mo are black!

Elder Mu was angry and rolled his eyes at Elder Yu, "Didn't Xiao Yueer say that before, even if she let others learn her acupuncture method, it is useless. Others don't understand the principle. So why do I want to learn? And, why do I want to learn by myself with this precious granddaughter? I'm still happy!"

"Come on, you can do it!" The old man Yu didn't complain to the old man, but instead angered himself, staring his eyes, and said with envy and jealousy.

He really envied and hated this old guy. How could he not know what happened in the capital recently?

It really made him sigh, the Mu family was a blessing in disguise!

Elder Mu was humming triumphantly, and he even hummed the old Beijing tune, and he heard that Elder Yu was sore.

The old man didn't bother to pay attention to his sorrowfulness, and then he continued to look at Mu Yue with a look of expectation in his eyes. He still hoped that Mu Yue could heal his grandson.

If it wasn't for time constraints, he would like to let people investigate more about Mu Yue's medical skills.

As soon as Yu Yunxuan returned home, he talked about this to Mr. Yu.

Elder Yu also called Lao Ning and Lao Yan and asked them about Mu Yue's medical skills.

Ning Lao and Yan Lao are certainly full of praise for Mu Yue's medical skills.

Therefore, the old man Yu brought his grandson Yu Yunxuan to try his luck, maybe there is hope!

However, looking at this situation, it seems that there is really a bit of light.

The imperial mother was also worried and looking forward to looking at Mu Yue, and at Yu Yunxuan who was lying on the hospital bed, and then turned to ask Mr. Yu in a somewhat eager tone, "Dad, do you think you can? "

The old man glared at his mother, "Now is the only hope! But, I think it should work!"

After all, his identity lies here, if Mu Yue can't do it, the Mu family will offend their Yu family.

Moreover, there is the spirit tea, which gives him a strong hope that Mu Yue will be able to heal Yu Yunxuan.

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