Regardless of Yu Yunxuan's body being so weak and still so small, he is the most proud junior of their Yu family.

It is true that Yuyunxuan's talent is so extraordinary, he has been particularly sensible since he was a child, and he is particularly sensitive to politics.

How many times have they stood in line at the Yu Family, they were all told by Yu Yun to analyze the pros and cons, and in the end, they all escaped and profited from it.

Therefore, for Yuyunxuan, they regard him as the patron saint of Yujia. Even if he is so fragile, they have tried their best to keep him, only hoping that he can bring them more prosperity to Yujia.

It's a pity that Yu Yunxuan's body has always been their pain. This time there is hope, and they are also looking forward to success.

This time the injection for Yuyunxuan was also completed for nearly an hour.

And the teacups around them had changed a lot, waiting for Mu Yue to finish the treatment quickly, and heard a sentence from her, "The treatment was successful".

Mu Yue put away her hand holding the silver needle, wiped the sweat from her cheek, and still let Yu Yunxuan lie on the bed, and said, "You should lie down on the bed for half an hour, don’t move, half In a few hours, I will pull out the silver needle for you again, and today’s first treatment will be considered a success!"

Yu Yunxuan nodded gently, "Hmm!"

"How do you feel now?" Mu Yue asked Yu Yunxuan with concern.

Yu Yunxuan closed his eyes in thought.

From Mu Yue's acupuncture application to the present, his feelings are the most obvious, even more obvious than those Chinese doctors who have treated himself with acupuncture before.

For his illness, their family, regardless of Western or Chinese medicine, invited many experts over to treat him, including cupping, acupuncture and moxibustion.

However, this acupuncture gave him a completely different feeling.

After Mu Yue's first needle was pierced, he could feel that a warm current flowed along the place where the silver needle was pierced, and slowly flowed through his body along his veins, warm and very comfortable.

"Yun Xuan, how do you feel?" Seeing that Mu Yue's acupuncture was over, the mother-of-prison hurried over and asked Yu Yunxuan, who was feeling her eyes closed.

Yu Yunxuan opened his eyes and looked at Mu Yue and said, "It feels very comfortable. It’s easier than ever before. I have used acupuncture and moxibustion in Chinese medicine before, but I can’t feel anything at all with their acupuncture and moxibustion. You give me acupuncture and I feel that there is a warm current flowing through my body!"

"Well, this is what I am talking about, and it can be regarded as the purest spiritual energy between heaven and earth. Through me, it will be introduced into your body with silver needles to help you nurture the veins of your body." Mu Yue nodded and laughed. Explained.

Grandpa Yu also walked to Yu Yunxuan's side and asked in a somewhat excited tone, "Do you really have such a clear feeling?"

"Yeah!" Yu Yunxuan nodded lightly, "It does, and it feels more comfortable than ever before!"

The imperial mother seemed to be somewhat skeptical, but she also saw that Yu Yunxuan's expression changed a little, and said in a somewhat surprised tone, "Don't say it, this expression is not as pale as before!"

Grandpa Yu also looked at Yu Yunxuan's face, and also showed a bit of amazement, "It's really ruddy and a lot, at least, before you come out, your face is still very pale!"

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