Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2229: Father Hua's Murder Intent 4

Father Hua came to Gan's house. He also heard what Hua Yuanzhi said and wanted to do it in his heart. However, he still felt that if he did, they would be in a lot of trouble, and he had to talk to him. Think of a one-size-fits-all solution.

Father Gan also received the news, knowing that Father Hua would come to him, so he sat in his study and waited for him.

Old man Hua came to the study as if calculating, and he met Mr. Gan face to face.

"Lao Gan, you should have received the news!" Old Man Hua said with a heavy face.

Mr. Gan leaned on the sofa and nodded, "I know, I didn't expect that the Mu family could be so fast!"

"Yes, if we are letting her grow, we will definitely be suppressed by the Mu family!" Old man Hua looked at Mr. Gan with a serious expression.

Father Gan nodded, "Speak, you are here, it should mean that you have figured out a solution!"

After all, after working together to deal with the Mu family for so many years, he still knows what character Mr. Hua has.

Father Hua nodded and said, "I plan to let people assassinate Mu Yue!"

"Assassination? Are you sure?" Mr. Gan sneered when he heard it, and looked at her mockingly, "Although that little **** was not in Mu's house before, she is very capable!"

They have investigated a lot of Mu Yue's information, and naturally it is clear that Mu Yue's skill is so high that ordinary masters can't assassinate her.

So, that's why, they have not been able to find a killer to assassinate Mu Yue, after all, they still have to hide, and they can't let the Mu family know that they did it.

"I know it's great, but I'm looking for a world-class killer!" Old Man Hua said with a firm tone.

Mr. Gan still reminded Mr. Hua, "A world-class killer? How do you find it? If you let them know that we did it, this thing would be difficult to do!"

"I know, this matter, I plan to find a few more middlemen, and finally kill another middleman, so that no one will know!" Old man Hua said to Mr. Gan.

Old Man Gan closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, "Aren't you afraid of problems in the middleman?"

"No, rest assured, the person I am looking for, even if the Mu family wants to make trouble, will have some trouble!" Old man Hua sneered and said confidently.

"Who?" Old Man Gan listened, with a curious look on his old face.

The corner of the old man Hua's mouth showed a cunning smile, "Chu family!"

"The Chu family? You mean the Chu family that adopted Mu Yue?" Old man Gan frowned and looked at Mr. Hua.

Father Hua nodded, "Well, it's the Chu family, those in prison, we are not suitable to get them out, but those who are still outside, we can still use them!"

The adults of the Chu family are all in prison, and all the males are also in prison.

If they remove the Chu family from the prison, and then they will do something to Mu Yue, the Mu family will think that it is their arrangement, but they will be made scapegoats.

But they don't want to see this situation, they just want to leave it alone.

Therefore, only the two underage girls, Chu Xueyang and Chu Shishu, were released after being detained for a period of time in prison, and now they are also wandering in this society.

It's a pity that because of their previous deeds, they can only do some hard work to find a job, and their life is extremely poor.

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