Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2230: Father Hua's Murder Intent 5

Mr. Gan squinted his eyes and pondered, as if he was thinking about whether Mr. Hua's words could proceed smoothly.

"Where is the source of the money?" Mr. Gan frowned and looked at Mr. Hua again.

Father Hua squinted his eyes and said with a smile, "I will ask someone to prepare cash first, and then go to the Chu family, and let the Chu family deposit an account by themselves. At that time, even if someone investigates it, they will not investigate. To us!"

"Aren't you afraid that they will investigate the person who was for the Chu family?" Old Man Gan reminded Old Man Hua.

There was another smug smile on Old Man Hua's face, "I will take advantage of this time to find someone with a simple identity, or a beggar, and train them to find someone from the Chu family. Then, It's solved directly, who can investigate us?"

A beggar may be a person who has just walked out of the mountain, and people come and go on the street, as long as they are not in a monitored place, as long as they are not in a place with people, even if they want to investigate, they will not be able to investigate. of.

Kill in a hidden place, then they can get out completely.

"Well, this idea is still okay. I believe you already have a plan, but you still have to pay more attention to this matter. The Mu family is not so easy to fool, look for it more, don't just do it!" Old man Gan's eyes flashed The calculated light reminded Father Hua.

He would never intervene in this matter, but knowing that it would not get in the way, as long as it doesn't hurt their Gan family.

It is their Hua family that is really enmity with the Mu family, not their Gan family.

Now, Mr. Gan already regrets that he has married the Hua family, and he shouldn’t let his son marry Hua Fengjun. Not only did he not bring prosperity to their Gan family, but now he offends the Mu family, and even his grandson has escaped from a foreign country. .

In the heart of Mr. Gan, he has gradually abandoned the Hua family, and is planning with his own son, looking at which family his grandson will marry with his grandson's generation to seek greater benefits for the Gan family.

"Okay, then I'll go down and make arrangements, absolutely can't let that little **** develop further!" Old man Hua nodded, at this moment he was already anxious about the Mu family, and he didn't expect Mr. Gan's plan. .

"Yeah, because of this little bitch, we have lost a lot, especially Jiangnan Province!" When it comes to Jiangnan Province, Mr. Gan felt a heartache in his heart and couldn't help covering his chest.

He is almost a member of the party, but just because of Mu Yue, it is gone. How can this not make him feel sad?

Seeing Mr. Gan's appearance, Mr. Hua also sighed deeply. He could also clearly feel the pain, their news department, isn't it?

"Absolutely can't let her live again!" Thinking of this, Old Man Hua gritted his teeth viciously in his heart, vowed secretly, and walked out of Gan's house with a murderous air.

Old Man Gan looked at the back of Old Man Hua leaving, slowly raised his head, a touch of helplessness flashed across his face, "The Hua family is not working! We have to find another family quickly!"

At this moment, the situation of Mr. Hua seemed like he was going to die with Mu Yue.

Although he heard the plan just now, it was perfect, but he still felt uneasy. He always felt that the plan did not proceed so smoothly.

Especially that girl, it is definitely not that easy to kill.

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