Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2231: Sitting in the same car 1

Mu Yue, who was sitting in the classroom at this time, didn't know the calculations of Mr. Hua and Mr. Gan.

It was just that Mu Yue sneezed fiercely when someone spoke badly behind her back.

Yu Yunxuan, who was sitting next to Mu Yue, asked caringly, "What's wrong? Did you catch a cold?"

Mu Yue touched her nose, shook her head, and said with a smile, "I shouldn't have a cold. It's probably someone who is speaking badly about me behind my back!"

"Say bad things about you? Who?" Yu Yunxuan joked a little funny, "A person like you, who would say bad things about you behind your back, isn't this asking for a dead end?"

"Yes!" Mu Yue raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "I was sitting in your seat before, and Yang Xue gave me a lesson, so I'm not allowed to sit!"

Yu Yunxuan shook his head helplessly, he also knew about it, "This thing hurts you!"

"It's okay!" Mu Yue waved his hand and said with a smile, "She is just a spice for life!"

When Yu Yunxuan heard the words, he nodded with a smile, "Yes!"

Indeed, who is Mu Yue? Can Yang Xue be able to deal with it?

At noon, Mu Yifeng came to Mu Yue's classroom to go to lunch with her, and the follower Sheng Yingfan also followed, and five people went to lunch together.

Seeing Mu Yifeng and the others walking together again, there was a look of resentment on Guluo's face standing at the gate of the second class.

"Haha! Deserve it!" Ning Mo came out of his classroom, seeing Gu Luoyu's expression, with a triumphant and mocking smile on his face.

Condensing Mo's words were passed into Gu Luoyu's ears, and Gu Luoyu looked at her coldly, a flash of disdain flashed in his eyes, and said with contempt and mockery, "It's better than some people, already offended Mu Yue, okay?"

When Lingmo heard Gu Luoyu's words, he suddenly showed an angry look, pointed her slender fingers, "You..."

She had heard about Gu Luo Nuo in the cafeteria. Of course, Gu Luo Nuo knew about her. The two knew each other's situation, and now they couldn't bear to counsel each other.

Originally, both of them were called school flowers by the students of the school, and both of them were unwilling to bow down to each other.

This also led to the fact that they also confronted each other many times in secret, because of Mu Yue's arrival, both of them were suppressed, and both were at a loss in her hands.

"Don't be too arrogant, I believe that when you come home this week, there will be a great news waiting for you!" Gu Luomu walked to the front of Ceng Mo, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth and said, "Oh. , No, it's terribly bad news for you!"

Condensed Mo's eyes widened with anger, she had never wanted to think about it, but Gu Luo Nuo wanted to remind her.

"Don't even want to marry to Mu's house!" Although Ningmo was angry, he still gritted his teeth and said mockingly to Guluo.

Gu Luonuo wanted a pheasant to become a phoenix, and wanted to marry into Mu's family.

However, when she was in the second year of high school, Mu Yifeng suddenly transferred to Linshi, so that her plan was only half implemented.

Fortunately, Mu Yifeng in the third year of high school turned over. She wanted to get close to Mu Yifeng immediately, and even wanted to use Mu Yifeng's favorite sister, Mu Yue, to get close to Mu Yifeng.

However, her plan still failed and failed, which made her very depressed and angry.

I already hate Mu Yue more or less in my heart, thinking that it is the little princess of the Mu family that can be arrogant, she will definitely make her look good when she marries into the Mu family in the future.

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