Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2232: Sitting in the same car 2

Mu Yue and the others were not clear about the matter about Ning Mo and Gu Luo Nuo, they were sitting at the table and talking with each other.

Sheng Yingfan looked at Yu Yunxuan's face and said with some surprise, "Yu Shao, your face looks very good!"

When Yu Yunxuan heard Sheng Yingfan's words, a smile appeared on his face, and he touched his own face, "You can see it too?"

"Mu Yue, have you healed him?" Su Yunxi's eyes lit up when she heard it. Fortunately, she looked at Mu Yue curiously and expectantly.

Su Yunxi, who was originally a big-hearted character, had met with Yu Yunxuan this morning and had also spoken, but he didn't notice a change in his face. Now, when I look at it, it really is!

Mu Yue nodded gently, "Well, it's cured!"

"Are you really cured? Do you have a way?" Sheng Yingfan looked at Yu Yunxuan, and looked at Mu Yue in disbelief.

Su Yunxi nodded in agreement, and looked at Mu Yue in shock, "Yes, but I heard that Yu Yunxuan has looked for many doctors, even foreign doctors, they have looked for a lot of doctors, but they haven't been cured! "

Mu Yifeng snorted coldly, and said proudly, "I don't even look at who my sister is. Her medical skills are first-rate. Is it comparable to those quack doctors?"

"How did you treat it?" Sheng Yingfan directly ignored Mu Yifeng, who seemed to be self-proclaimed, and asked Mu Yue curiously.

Mu Yue glanced at Yu Yunxuan and said, "In fact, there is no treatment. It just uses the unique acupuncture method. It has not been cured for the time being. It will take a few years to fully recover!"

"Recovery? This is better than those doctors can't cure it, right?" Su Yunxi stared in disbelief.

Sheng Yingfan took a closer look at Yu Yunxuan again, and asked with concern, "How does your body feel? Is it so good?"

Yu Yunxuan nodded gently, "Well, it's really good, especially Mu Yue's medicine and spiritual tea. After I drank it, I felt pretty good!"

He can have such a good spirit now, because he drank a few sips of spiritual tea before coming to eat.

The spiritual tea originally contained heaven and earth auras, but Yu Yunxuan lacked these in his body. After drinking it, it replenished its strength, and naturally it looked particularly good now.

"That's amazing!" Su Yunxi looked at Mu Yue in admiration with a look of admiration, "Mu Yue, not only are you good at skills, you are also so good at medicine! How did you learn? How do you grow your mind? Ah? Why is it so powerful? I really want to dissect your brain and see what your brain looks like!"

Mu Yue almost squirted the food out of his mouth without being told by Su Yunxi, took a sip of the soup, and said with a helpless smile, "I just learned this. My master said that I have a good talent for Chinese medicine, otherwise, My master will not accept me as an apprentice! After all, learning medicine requires talent. Even if you don’t have talent, you can’t learn well even if you work hard!"

"But, this is amazing too!" Su Yunxi still looked at Mu Yue in amazement. Those eyes were like searchlights, and he wanted to see Mu Yue's whole body thoroughly.

Su Yunxi made Mu Yue feel uncomfortable, and quickly diverted everyone's attention, "Don't look at me like this, everyone hurry up and eat. If you don't eat it, you will get cold!"

"However, you are still really extraordinary!" Sheng Yingfan said with a light smile, a flash of admiration in his eyes.

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