Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2236: Rumors in the school 2

The next morning, when Mu Yue came to the school, students in the corridors of the classroom, or in the classroom, couldn't help pointing and pointing when they saw her.

"This is Mu Yue, Mu Yue's younger sister!"

"She looks so beautiful, no wonder Yu Young Master likes her!"

"Yes, Yu Shao left school in her car yesterday!"

"I also saw it. Yu Shao and her left together in the car. Did the two of them have a marriage contract?"

"I think it must be, otherwise, how could we be together?"

"Furthermore, whether it is Yu Shao or Mu Yue's family background, they are very good match, it must be a marriage!"

The students are all talking to each other.

Mu Yue walked in the corridor. Although she didn't deliberately listened to it, she could still hear some conversational words and heard them talking about herself and Yu Yunxuan.

I thought that I and Yuyunxuan left together in the car after school yesterday, and Yuyunxuan still left in his own car. If it didn't cause a sensation, it would be impossible.

Thinking of this misunderstanding, Mu Yue could only helplessly smile and shook his head.

She didn't expect that such simple things could be thought of so much by them, no wonder the gossip of entertainment news in later generations.

However, she and Yu Yunxuan left together by car. If it weren't for this explanation, there really was no way to explain it with other excuses and reasons.

A helpless smile appeared on the corner of Mu Yue's mouth, touched her nose, and returned to her classroom.

When I walked into the classroom, I received the strange gaze from the class, especially the resentful and jealous gaze inside.

Mu Yue glanced casually and saw Yang Xue sitting in her seat, staring at her with resentful eyes.

Yang Xue was shocked when she saw Mu Yue's gaze towards her, and she quickly lowered her head, not daring to look at her.

Who made Mu Yue's identity over there? Even if she wanted to be arrogant, she didn't have the money. She couldn't fight her. She could only stare resentfully and curse in her heart. She really couldn't do anything else.

The corners of Mu Yue's lips rose, and there was a sneer in her heart. This girl didn't seem to know the miserable life she was about to face!

She has already taken some things to the home of Yang Xue and Ning Mo, and believes that they will have a big surprise when they return.

Mu Yue sat in her seat, sorted out the homework in front of him, and prepared the homework to be turned in today.

Not long after, Yu Yunxuan also walked in with a schoolbag on one shoulder, kicking a kettle in his other hand, and his mental head was obviously much better than when he came the first day.

The original pale complexion gradually disappeared a little, slightly blushing, and his complexion was very good.

Yu Yunxuan sat in his seat, turned his head to look at Mu Yue, smiled and said hello, "Mu Yue, good morning!"

"Well, good morning!" Mu Yue nodded gently, took out a small paper bag from her drawer, and handed it to Yu Yunxuan, "For you!"

When Yu Yunxuan saw the small bag that Mu Yue handed over, his eyes lit up, "Is this a jade symbol?"

Saying that I took the small bag and opened it to see a small jade piece like emerald inside. I took it out. When I saw that it was my own zodiac, the carving was so lifelike, as if there was a kind of aura, it seemed to be real. There was a gleam of light in it.

"Did you carve this yourself?" Yu Yunxuan asked Mu Yue curiously.

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