Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2237: Rumors in the school 3

Mu Yue nodded gently, "I have to carve it myself, so that I can engrave the formation, and I can also use spiritual energy to accumulate it!"

"Not only do you have superb medical skills, you also have such good business acumen, but you can also carve such exquisite jade slips. I don't know what else you can't do!" Yu Yunxuan said to Mu Yue in amazement. .

Moreover, Mu Yue's academic performance is also very good, he really does not know how this girl's brain grows, how can it be so outstanding? How can it be so powerful?

She seems to be the same age as herself, how can she learn so much?

Mu Yue shrugged her shoulders and said, "It's okay!"

Yu Yunxuan was still amazed, looking at the jade pendant in his hand.

"Bring it on first!" Mu Yue said remindingly as she watched Yu Yunxuan staring at Yu Pei.

Yu Yunxuan nodded, and put the jade pendant on his neck, "Okay!"

Many people in the class stared at Mu Yue and Yu Yunxuan, and when they saw Yu Yunxuan greet Mu Yue so kindly, they were all amazed again.

Now, seeing Mu Yue actually give Yu Yunxuan a gift, it seems that it is still a jade pendant.

Although they don't have eyesight, but as Mu Yue's identity, this jade pendant should be of great value.

Suddenly, these people couldn't help but think about it for a while. It seemed that the relationship between Mu Yue and Yu Yunxuan was really unusual!

At this time, Yang Xue watched Yu Yunxuan take the initiative to wear the jade around her neck, and almost didn't tear the book in her hand in half.

She was unwilling to accept such a situation, and she was so angry.

Mu Yue gave the Yuyun Xuanyu Pei. If someone said that they had no legs, she would never believe it. It's all like this, can there be none?

Mu Yue didn't know the anger and depression in Yang Xue's heart at this time, but she knew very well that she would definitely be angry.

Yu Yunxuan touched the jade pendant on his neck, put him in his clothes, turned his head to look at Mu Yue, and said with a smile, "Your cooking skills are really good. Will you still cook medicated food today? I eat?"

"I'm not free today, I have to deal with the company's business tonight!" Mu Yue shook his head and said.

In the past two days, I helped Yu Yunxuan in treatment and then sculpted again. She was too busy to deal with the company's affairs. She had to spend a little time to deal with it.

Hearing Mu Yue's explanation, Yu Yunxuan frowned and looked at Mu Yue embarrassedly, "Sorry, you are so busy, but give me medical treatment!"

"It's okay, it's just that the medicated restaurant has just opened to the capital recently, so I'm a little busy!" Mu Yue said with a light smile.

Yu Yunxuan thought for a while and said, "If you need anything, you can tell me!"

"If there is a need, I will say, I am not hypocritical!" Mu Yue smiled, she would never be polite.

"Yeah!" Yu Yunxuan nodded, "Although you have only treated me for two days, my grandfather said that my condition in these two days is much better than before. He believes that you will be able to cure me. disease!"

"I only save people who believe in my medical skills!" Mu Yue's lips rose slightly, revealing a confident smile.

Yu Yunxuan couldn't help but jokingly said, "Hehehe, whoever believes in Muyue, will have eternal life?"

Mu Yue couldn't help being a little amused when she heard the words, "Get immortality? You are a bit too exaggerated, what immortality!"

"Hahaha!" Yu Yunxuan couldn't help but laugh.

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