Before Mu Yue gave Yu Yunxuan the needle, there was a loud noise outside.

Hearing the voice outside, Mu Yue walked out of the acupuncture room and saw Old Man Gu coming with his grandson and granddaughter.

"Huh? Old Gu, why are you here too?" Mu Yue looked at Mr. Gu and asked curiously.

Father Gu smiled and sat on the sofa and said, "I heard that an old guy came over today and guessed that you would definitely cook medicated food, so I came to relieve my greed, haha!"

When Mu Yue heard this, she rolled her eyes speechlessly. Okay, this old man really doesn't care about his identity at all!

It seems that I haven't eaten any good things.

When Grandpa Yu heard Grandpa Gu's words, he snorted coldly, "It's me, my old fellow is here, and you also come to join in the fun!"

Elder Gu leaned on the sofa and said with a smile, "Why can't I come? I met Mu Yue earlier than you, and the relationship is better than you. Come if you want, why? Can't it?"

When Grandpa Yu listened, he only felt very depressed, rolled his eyes angrily, unable to refute.

Indeed, he was relatively late to have a relationship with Mu Yuela.

"Hahaha, girl, I have been suffering from backaches in the past two days. By the way, give my old man acupuncture and massage today!" Old man Gu said to Mu Yue with a smile.

Mu Yue was a little bit dumbfounded, "Gu Lao, I'm very busy, otherwise, you won't be able to eat my medicated diet!"

"It's okay, I brought a helper here, let them handle it for you first, you just need to do it!" Old man Gu smiled and waved his hand, pointing to Gu An and Gu Zihan who came to relieve their greed. Said.

Gu An heard it, and couldn't help but drop three black lines on his forehead. Well, he was sold by his grandfather so quickly.

Gu Zihan was also very aggrieved and gloomy looking at Grandpa Gu, "Grandpa, I won't!"

"Don't know how to learn?" Old man Gu glared at Gu An and Gu Zihan irritably, "This is a good opportunity, after learning it, I can do it myself in the future!"

Gu Zihan curled her lips. Compared to making it herself, she prefers others to make it, and she eats it.

The imperial mother looked at this family, knowing that she could not just eat, stood up, smiled and said, "I will help too. I can't let you do it alone, and you have to treat Yun Xuan, so I can't get tired. it's your turn!"

"Yeah!" Grandpa Yu also nodded, "Go and help!"

Now that I heard Mu Yue's words, thinking that he would not only give Yuyunxuan acupuncture but also acupuncture, I suddenly felt a little embarrassed and guilty.

"Go, go, go and learn!" Old man Gu commanded his grandson and granddaughter angrily, "Since I'm here, I have to do it. Next time I don't bring you here, I know you will get something for nothing!"

Gu Zihan and Gu An looked at each other, and both went into the kitchen to help depressed.

Looking at this posture, Mu Yue was a little bit dumbfounded, so she could only give Yuyunxuan acupuncture and moxibustion first, and then help them make medicated meals.

Yu Yunxuan lay on the bed and watched Mu Yue giving himself acupuncture and moxibustion. He said guiltily, "I'm sorry, it seems that my business has kept you so busy!"

Hearing the words, Mu Yue smiled slightly and glanced at Yu Yunxuan, "It's nothing, I just made a joke with them, although I am busy, I don't even have time to treat illnesses and save people!"

Yu Yunxuan nodded after hearing this, "That's good, if you need help, you can tell me!"

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