Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2248: I'm here to eat 2

Mu Yue didn't expect that she was treating Yu Yunxuan in the middle of the treatment. Someone came. Although Mu Yue didn't go out to see it, she knew who came.

Grandpa Chi also came with Chi Yan. The one-sentence explanation was that he heard that Mu Yue was going to cook today and came over to eat.

For this reason, a group of old people outside laughed loudly.

After that, Ye Tianming also brought his grandfather and grandfather Ye over, and the lobby of the Mu family was full of excitement.

Both Ye Tianming and Chi Yan came to the acupuncture room with a smile, watching Mu Yue being treated by Yu Yunxuan.

"Little Junior Sister, your house is so lively!" Ye Tianming said to Mu Yue with news.

Mu Yue lowered his head while putting the needle, and said angrily, "When you come, it's fun, you are just a fun party!"

Ye Tianming smiled happily, but he didn't agree at all, "Why, I'm here to cheer you up!"

"Come on? Come over and eat, right?" Mu Yue said irritably.

Ye Tianming touched his nose, a sly smile appeared on his face, "Little Junior Sister, you know, do you have to ask?"

"That's right, you did it anyway, everyone eats, it's not bad for me!" Chi Yan also nodded in agreement.

Mu Yue raised his head while empty, and cast an angry glance at Ye Tianming and Chi Yan, "If you want to eat, you have to go to the kitchen to help. After I am done here, I have to check it. If it is not done, your father can do it. Eat, but you guys, don’t think about it!"

"Hey, little sister, don't be angry, don't be angry, I will help you wash the vegetables!" Ye Tianming smiled happily, looked at Mu Yue's appearance, and quickly comforted her.

Mu Yue snorted coldly, and simply ignored Ye Tianming, and took another silver needle to help Yuyunxuan apply the needle.

After the injection, Yu Yunxuan was still lying on the bed, and Mu Yue went to the kitchen, but when he went to the kitchen and passed the hall, he saw several old men chatting happily.

At this time, the kitchen was full of excitement, and the third aunt also came, and also brought Mu Haiye and Mu Yifeng into the kitchen to help.

Those who are sitting outside are all old men, and of course they have to go into the kitchen to work.

Seeing a group of people busy, Mu Yue seemed to be very lively. She also began to prepare the soup. It took a long time to boil the soup to make it more flavorful.

Directing a group of people in the kitchen to work, set the casserole on fire one by one, preparing for today's medicinal meal.

After doing what should be done, Mu Yue also asked the imperial mother and third aunt to cut the vegetables, and when they were ready, she could fry them directly.

Gu Zihan smelled the scent, smashed it, smashed his mouth, and said gluttonously, "It hasn't been long since I got out of the pot, it has already started to smell!"

"Hey, that's of course, and don't look at who is cooking!" Gu An said with a smile, "Wait a minute, you can eat the medicated food made by Mu Yue himself. This is better than the medicinal restaurant. The medicated diet is even more delicious!"

"Chuck!" Chi Yan swallowed and said with a grin, "That's correct. I heard that Mu Yue was cooking today, so I came here too. I didn't eat much in the morning, just for lunch. Some!"

"Hey, brother! To each other, I only drank a glass of milk in the morning, and they came out!" Gu An heard this, and put the two brothers Chi Yan on their shoulders, looking like seeing each other bitterly. Gu An and the others rolled their eyes for a while.

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