After Mu Yue helped Yuyunxuan's acupuncture and moxibustion, he could still moxibustion for Mr. Yu in this empty morning. The middle of the moxibustion was empty, and she could also cook seven dishes.

"Elder Yu, I will give you moxibustion first!" Mu Yue said to Elder Yu with a smile.

When Grandpa Yu heard this, he nodded happily, and stood up from the sofa neatly, "Okay, let me try it too! These old guys, just show off in front of me, they have been moxibusted by you a lot. This is the second time, since you gave them the needle, their body hasn't gotten sick anymore, and they haven't even caught a cold or cold! I'm so envious and jealous as an old fellow!

When Mu Yue heard this, he was a little bit dumbfounded, and said, "Where is such an exaggeration, this is also related to several elderly people who take care of themselves, and it has nothing to do with acupuncture and moxibustion!"

At this time, we still have to be modest. Although her acupuncture is also effective, there are some medicinal wines, spiritual teas and medicated diets. Add a little effect to each of them. The immune system will be stronger and natural illness will be less. Up.

The old man lay on the bed and asked Mu Yue to give himself acupuncture and moxibustion. The bones on his body are a little old and lack nutrition. And because he didn't pay attention when he was young, he often suffers from old leg gout.

Mu Yue moxibustion for the old man was also based on the accuracy of his physical condition. After lighting the wormwood, let him burn it like this, and she went to the kitchen to cook lunch first.

When he arrived in the kitchen, Mu Yue started cooking, cooking pots of cooking so that the whole kitchen was fragrant, making the group of guys standing at the door salivate.

"It's so fragrant!" Gu Zihan took a deep breath and gulped.

Chi Yan also smiled with excitement, "Today is really a blessing!"

Because of Mu Yue's medicinal meal, the entire kitchen has been remodeled and several more stoves have been added.

The medicated diet is fried and boiled, the dishes are different, and the method is different. The cooking takes several hours, so one fire is not enough, so a few more are added.

Now it came in handy. After Mu Yue had cooked a dish, she added water to cover the lid and waited for him to boil, while she started cooking another dish.

If Xiao Junyan were here, it would be a tacit understanding to cooperate with Mu Yue. One could take care of the aftermath and the cooking would be much faster. Today, only Mu Yue can do it.

"Good fragrance!" Yu Yunxuan walked to the door of the kitchen, watching Mu Yue's busy skill in the kitchen, admiring again and again, "It's really fast!"

When the old man was moxibustion, Mu Yue was already sitting on seven or eight dishes in a blink of an eye.

"Auntie San, these dishes are ready. Hold them up and put them on the table. I'll go and see the old man. You can put these on the table first, and the boiling soup can be turned off!" Mu Yue is busy. Part, just to the third aunt and them.

Aunt San smiled and waved her hand, letting Mu Yue go to the rest, "Go!"

Mu Yue came to the acupuncture room and took all the acupuncture from the old man Yu's body, "Old Yu, okay, how do you feel?"

Elder Yu sat up from the bed, moved his muscles and bones, and touched his leg again, and said with admiration, "It feels very relaxed, this leg is not so heavy! I now finally understand why those old guys are right. You admire so much!"

"Hahaha, I'm overwhelmed!" Mu Yue chuckled lightly, "The food is ready, Mr. Yu, you and grandpa can serve the table first!"

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