Xiao Junyan raised his hand and stopped. Several people squatted down together, patrolling the surroundings through the grass.

After a while, it seemed that he had noticed something, Xiao Junyan raised his hand and made a few gestures, and a group of young people behind him sprang out like cheetahs.

"Swish swish..." In a few flashes, the young men in camouflage uniforms disappeared without a trace, leaving only the grass drifting in the wind, as if they had never appeared before.

"His hiss..." A hissing sound came from the top of his head. It was a colorful snake, which was very poisonous at first glance.

Xiao Junyan raised his head, and those dark eyes flashed with sharp cold light, like a black hole about to engulf the entire universe.

The snake that was originally entwined on the branch spit out the snake letter and stared at Xiao Junyan, each one looking at each other, and the space was lonely.

Suddenly, the snake seemed to feel the dangerous aura on Xiao Junyan's body, and quickly turned around, chuckled, and fled here.

Xiao Junyan's eagle-like eyes scanned all the changes in the surrounding jungle, as if he hadn't paid much attention to what had just happened, and it seemed that it had never happened.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps.

Xiao Junyan squatted slightly, his muscles tightened, and his breath astringent.

However, his dark and deep eyes seemed to contain extremely powerful energy about to explode.

As far as he could see, a team of more than a dozen villains, holding spears in their hands, were talking to each other in unintelligible bird language, looking at their clothes, like mercenaries.

Xiao Junyan squinted his eyes slightly, his wrist flicked, and he didn't know when there was an extra saber shining coldly in his hand.

Seeing the group of teams approaching them, Xiao Junyan leaned forward slightly, as if he was about to jump out of a cheetah to hunt its prey.

Suddenly, Xiao Junyan's figure moved, like a ghostly shadow. When he reappeared, he had already appeared behind the soldier closest to him. The saber in his hand flashed with a cold light, and blood poured out from that man's neck. , Almost thrown into the air.

As the blood spattered, several dark shadows sprang up all around, and the cold light of sabers in his hands flashed, killing one life.

They are like death gods who harvest life, and wherever they go, there is a life.

Those people don't understand how they died, and they don't even know who killed them.

This team that seemed to be patrolling hadn't reacted yet, it had been killed by Xiao Junyan seven or eighty eight.

When the rest of the people wanted to fight back, it was too late. When they raised their guns, they had already been touched by their necks, and they wanted to pull the trigger again, and they didn't have any energy.

Xiao Junyan's figure flickered. When he was about to get the last guy, the scene in front of him suddenly went black, and his leaping body paused slightly in the air.

As for the last remaining guy, he subconsciously raised the gun in his hand to fight back, and didn't notice anything wrong with Xiao Junyan's actions, and pulled the trigger of his spear.

With a "touch", blood was splashed, Xiao Junyan's body trembled slightly, and there was a muffled hum in his mouth.

Xiao Junyan flicked the saber in his hand, and with a "poof", it went straight to the soldier's forehead and directly into his head.

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