"Boss!" The young man who followed Xiao Junyan hurriedly ran to him and held him with a worried expression on his face.

Xiao Junyan covered his lower abdomen with his hands, and blood flowed through his fingers.

"Boss, what's the matter with you?"

Other young people who handled things well also ran over.

Xiao Junyan shook his head and closed his eyes fiercely. The dark world in front of him suddenly disappeared and became a normal scene.

"Hmm!" Xiao Junyan covered the wound in his lower abdomen and looked at the brothers in front of him.

"Boss, what happened to you just now?" The young man asked Xiao Junyan anxiously, with a little puzzled.

Xiao Junyan pressed his eyes and said in a dull voice, "It's okay, we have been exposed, let's leave here first!"

"Okay, boss, I'll help you deal with the wound first!" The young man quickly **** the wound on Xiao Junyan's lower abdomen with a bandage, and then left the place with Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan took the group of young people and disappeared in place, and a group of people came to a cave.

Xiao Junyan sat leaning on the wall of the cave, clutching his belly.

"Boss, I will help you take out the bullet first!" The young man took out a simple medical box and said to Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan nodded, and a thin layer of sweat came out on his forehead.

The young man asked Xiao Junyan puzzledly while taking things, "Boss, why didn't you do it just now? Let that guy take advantage of it?"

Xiao Junyan squinted his eyes and said nothing, but there was already a storm in his heart.

His eyes just now seemed to see nothing, just like a blind man.

eye! blind!

Unconsciously, Xiao Junyan remembered what Dongfang Sheng had said to him when he checked the bullet in his brain.

"Could it be the cause of the bullet in the brain?" Xiao Junyan guessed in his heart, but it was also 100% that the cause of the bullet in the brain.

Xiao Junyan frowned tightly.

He has almost forgotten the bullet in his head. Is he too happy recently?

Yes, Gentle Township, Hero's Tomb.

He has always been addicted to Mu Yue's gentle homeland, forgetting all the disasters in his body, forgetting him, it is a dangerous existence.

If one of the bullets in his head is not good, then...

Xiao Junyan was no longer willing to think about it anymore, his hands clenched into fists tightly.

The young man watched Xiao Junyan not answer, and didn't ask any more. He lowered his head and silently treated Xiao Junyan's wound, taking out the bullet from Xiao Junyan's lower abdomen.

The moment the bullet was taken out, Xiao Junyan's eyes were dark again. Before closing his eyes, Mu Yue's figure in his mind murmured a word, "Yue..."

Mu Yue, who was sitting in her seat far away in Beijing No.1 Middle School, trembled slightly.

"Senior Brother Xiao?" Mu Yue suddenly raised her head and looked outside. She only felt a pain in her heart, as if she was severely pulled by someone.

Yu Yunxuan, who was sitting next to Mu Yue, looked at her suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

However, Mu Yue didn't seem to hear Yu Yunxuan's inquiry, and stared at the blue sky outside with blank eyes.

Yu Yunxuan frowned, wondering what happened to Mu Yue?

Mu Yue also frowned slightly, wondering what happened to her? Is something happening?

She just heard that Senior Brother Xiao was calling her, what is going on?

Is something wrong with Brother Xiao?

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