Su Yunxi ran to Mu Yue excitedly and said with a grin, "Mu Yue, this has been going to all morning, and I haven't seen Yang Xue and Ning Mo come to school yet!"

Hearing Su Yunxi's words, Mu Yue turned his head and glanced at the two empty spaces, a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Maybe they have no face to come to school!"

She received a call from Ling Hong, saying that she had done some tricks to Yang Xue and Ningmo's parents, and, listening to Ling Hong's words, it seemed that someone else did some small actions to their parents.

Su Yunxi snorted coldly, and said mockingly, "No face? Humph, I don't believe it, their cheeks are so thick!"

Mu Yue raised her head and glanced at Su Yunxi, her eyes flowed, "Are you having trouble with them?"

Su Yunxi's smile on her face froze when she was told by Mu Yue. She looked around and approached her ear, "How did you know?"

"It seems to be true!" Mu Yue laughed and said.

Su Yunxi was filled with question marks by what Mu Yue said, and asked incomprehensibly, "What's the truth?"

Mu Yue chuckled lightly and said, "It's nothing, you should use your mind!"

Su Yunxi scratched her head, her face full of confusion and perplexity.

Seeing Su Yunxi's appearance, Mu Yue was amused for a while, she also investigated her identity.

When Mu Yue saw her investigation data, she knew that Su Yunxi was in the capital, which can also be said to be the largest underworld force in China, the Qing gang.

Su Yunxi's brother is Su Jinxuan, the current boss of the Youth League.

When she was reporting in Ling Hong, she heard that some gangsters went to beat the parents of Yang Xue and Ningmo.

It was only after seeing the injuries on their parents’ faces before investigating, knowing that there was such a thing.

I guessed that it must be Su Jinxuan who knew that his sister was being used at school, so he taught Yang Xue and Ning Mo's parents a lesson.

Yu Yunxuan raised his head to look at Su Yunxi, smiled lightly, but did not break, lowered his head and began to read the book again.

However, during the lunch break, Yang Xue and Ning Mo returned to the school classroom at the same time.

However, everyone was surprised to see the scars on the faces of Yang Xue and Ning Mo.

Seeing the appearance of Yang Xue and Yan Mo, Su Yunxi suddenly burst into laughter, " have today too! What happened to the injuries on your face? Could it be that you fell on the way home? What? You fell so in the eyes?"

Yang Xue and Ningmo lowered their heads when they heard Su Yunxi's words.

There was a burst of resentment in the two of them, and they gritted their teeth with anger, really wishing that Su Yunxi's mouth was torn apart.

Mu Yue also heard the movement, raised his head from the book, saw the injuries on the faces of Yang Xue and Ningmo, and chuckled lightly.

Yu Yunxuan saw it too, turned his head to look at Mu Yue, and said softly, "Did you do it?"

"I'm so busy, I don't have time to beat them!" Mu Yue said innocently with her lips curled when she heard Yu Yunxuan's words.

Hearing Mu Yue's words, Yu Yunxuan also smiled and nodded in agreement, "Indeed!"

From Saturday to the evening, Mu Yue was almost always busy. He made two medicated meals and gave acupuncture to a few old men. He was so busy that he really didn't have time to beat Yang Xue and the two of them.

Therefore, he also knew that Mu Yue's injuries were not caused by Mu Yue.


Yesterday and today are both birthdays, one solar calendar and one lunar calendar, haha, I really want to give myself a holiday!

The author is so pitiful, there is no vacation for three hundred and sixty five days a year

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