Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2257: Ye Tianming Support 3

"Hey, what's the matter with you two, you didn't even answer me! Huh?" Su Yunxi stared at Ning Mo and Yang Xue very dissatisfied.

Ningmo raised his head angrily and glared at Su Yunxi, "Su Yunxi, do I have anything to do? This matter has nothing to do with you, just do what you like!"

She offended Mu Yue, not Su Yunxi, so she hit back directly.

Moreover, she had cold eyes with Su Yunxi before and never saw what she did to her, so she would hit her back like this.

Su Yunxi's mouth showed a playful smile, and looked at Ningmo mockingly, "Ningmo, I only want to help you because we are classmates, don't you know how to praise!"

"You don't need to be nosy!" Ning Mo gritted his teeth viciously.

Su Yunxi smiled hehe, what he said was arrogant and proud, "Ha, okay, then I won't be nosy, hehe, but I really want to thank the person who beat you, but , Why don't you stop focusing on it? How about a little more trace?"

The proud Su Yunxi ran to Mu Yue, "Mu Yue, did you see the injuries on their faces, hahaha, I really don't know who touched it!"

As he said, he bowed his head again, approached Mu Yue's ear, and asked curiously, "Did you move your hand?"

"I'm very busy, Yu Yunxuan can testify to me!" Mu Yue pointed to Yu Yunxuan and said.

Su Yunxi rolled her eyes and said contemptuously, "Who wants you to do it yourself, you just need to make a phone call!"

Mu Yue smiled softly, "Who said it was my hand, can't it be your hand?"

An awkward smile flashed across Su Yunxi's face, and then he smiled, seeming to have tacitly agreed.

Mu Yue is studying in school, and on the other side, Ye Tianming is sitting on the sofa in his lobby, watching TV.

The most dumbfounding thing is that this guy is actually watching cartoons.

Yes, it was a cartoon, and it made Ye Tianming enjoy watching. Everyone in the Ye family looked at him with monster eyes.

At this time, Ye Tianming's cell phone rang, and he was connected without seeing it, "Say!"

A hurried voice came from the other side of the phone, "Boss Ye, Boss Xiao is injured. Come and help!"

Hearing the call, Ye Tianming sat up straight, his expression was very serious, "What's the matter?"

Obviously Mu Yue said that the boss is okay, why is he injured now?

Thinking of Xiao Junyan being injured, Ye Tianming couldn't help but worry.

What kind of person is his boss, and how good his skills are, he knows very well that he is actually injured. What has to happen to him!

Thinking of this, Ye Tianming wanted to run to Xiao Junyan's side to help him.

He is also Xiao Junyan's comrade-in-arms, if it weren't for the boss to let him take care of the younger sister in the capital, he would not stay here.

Thinking of this, it is extremely regrettable. If you are by the boss's side, maybe the boss will not be hurt.

"I don't know. Boss Xiao didn't say what was going on with him. Boss Xiao is injured. The planning time cannot be delayed. It's a bit troublesome!"

"Okay, I'll come over right away, you guys hold on!" Ye Tianming's eyes flashed with a cold light, and a thick murderous intent appeared on his body and ran out toward the door of his house.

Seeing Ye Tianming's departure, Ye Mu hurriedly called out, "You stinky boy, where are you going?"

"Go abroad!" Ye Tianming left only these two words and he was gone.

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