Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2258: Ye Tianming Support 4

Ye Tianming finally came to the place of Xiao Junyan's mission through various channels.

"Boss Ye!" Seeing Ye Tianming, the young man hurriedly greeted him.

Ye Tianming asked concerned, "Where is the boss?"

The young man pointed to the cave and said, "Inside!"

Ye Tianming nodded solemnly, walked into the cave, and saw Xiao Junyan sitting cross-legged on the ground.

"Boss!" Ye Tianming walked up to Xiao Junyan and knelt down on one knee. "Are you injured? How could it be?"

Xiao Junyan opened his eyes, looked at Ye Tianming, put his hands on his knees, "You are here!"

Ye Tianming looked at Xiao Junyan puzzled and puzzled, "Boss, how could you get hurt?"

Xiao Junyan glanced at Ye Tianming deeply, touched his head, and said, "It may be the bullet in my head, something is wrong!"

"What?" Ye Tianming suddenly screamed when he heard Xiao Junyan's words, but Xiao Junyan glared at him soon.

Ye Tianming immediately covered his mouth, turned his head and glanced at the brothers outside the cave, knowing that they would never run in curiously, but he still went to take a look subconsciously.

"Boss, what is going on?" Ye Tianming asked Xiao Junyan worriedly.

Xiao Junyan sighed softly. If it wasn't for the bullet in his brain, he wouldn't let them contact Ye Tianming and call him over.

He knew that the mission was important, but his life was also important. He wanted to go back. He didn't want Mu Yue to see his body.

Thinking of Mu Yue vomiting blood for his own disaster, he felt a pain in his heart.

He didn't dare to think, if Mu Yue saw that he was dead, what kind of expression would he show, what kind of disappointment and heartache would be.

Moreover, he also has to guard his beloved woman, wanting to accompany her.

"Maybe the bullet in my brain affected my optic nerve. When I was killing the enemy, the world in front of me was suddenly dark, but it quickly recovered, but it must be related to the bullet in my brain!" Xiao Junyan Explained, "That's why I called you!"

Ye Tianming nodded clearly. That was the case. He looked at Xiao Junyan worriedly and at his head, frowning deeper.

"Boss, you will be in charge of this mission, and leave it to me!" Ye Tianming patted Xiao Junyan on the shoulder and said.

Xiao Junyan shook his head and said, "No, I have to participate!"

"But boss, your eyes!" Ye Tianming suddenly cried out worried.

A firm expression flashed in Xiao Junyan's dark eyes, "It's okay!"

"Boss!" Ye Tianming was going crazy, and wanted to call the younger sister over directly. In this world, the boss can only be the boss, and even the old man Xiao and Master Han can't.

"Don't listen to my orders?" Xiao Junyan's voice was kept colder.

Ye Tianming scratched his head fiercely, "Well, the little junior sister knows that you are here to do the task, and I have fortune-telled you too, saying that you are in no danger this time, and it's okay!"

"She knows?" Xiao Junyan frowned worriedly.

Ye Tianming rolled his eyes angrily, "Don't you think the younger sister is so easy to lie? You didn't call her. Of course she guessed that something happened to you. I can only tell her about your mission. ."

Xiao Junyan sighed helplessly after hearing this.

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