Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2260: Yu Shao's Fiancee 2

Xiao Xueqing stared at Mu Yue angrily and asked, "Are you Mu Yue?"

Mu Yue looked at Xiao Xueqing suspiciously, and nodded gently, "Yes, I am Mu Yue, who are you?"

Because the other person's eyes were a little unkind when looking at him, and his tone was full of questioning and contempt, Mu Yue's tone was not very good.

"Who am I! Listen well, mine is Yu Yunxuan's fiancee Xiao Xueqing!" Xiao Xueqing pointed to her nose and arrogantly introduced her identity to Mu Yue.

Hearing the identity of the other party, Mu Yue understood. No wonder this girl would be so angry at herself! It was because of Yuyunxuan!

It is estimated that this girl came to trouble herself after hearing some rumors about herself and Yu Yunxuan, right?

"Oh!" Mu Yue nodded gently, and said, "Is there anything you want to do with me?"

Although she had guessed it in her heart, Mu Yue still pretended not to know and asked him.

Xiao Xueqing snorted coldly, "Of course I have something to do with you. I warn you, Yu Yunxuan is not something you can think about. He is mine. She and I are just married couples who have been appointed by the elders in the family!"

"Yeah! I see!" Mu Yue nodded gently.

What does this have to do with her? She also has a fiance, Brother Xiao.

Alas, I haven't seen Senior Brother Xiao for a long time, and I can't help but miss him a little.

Brother Xiao went to take part in the mission, but I don't know when he will be back!

Although she had fortuned Xiao Junyan for good and bad luck, she still couldn't help worrying about him.

If possible, she really wants to accompany him on missions abroad, so that, even if there is something, she can help him, and if he is injured, she can also treat him.

Unconsciously, Mu Yue's thoughts drifted a little, so much so that she didn't hear what Xiao Xueqing said.

Xiao Xueqing talked a lot, and she felt even more angry when she saw that Mu Yue ignored herself at all.

In her heart, she felt that this little **** must have thought that her appearance would make Yu Yunxuan be stubborn at her, not caring about her threats.

Thinking of this, Xiao Xueqing became even more angry, stomped her foot, and pushed Mu Yue fiercely with both hands.

"You fox! You don't want to take this young lady's words seriously!"

Mu Yue, who seemed to be a little ethereal, was stunned by Xiao Xueqing, taking two steps backwards, and she came back to her senses.

Sure enough, everyone in love is the same.

Mu Yue came back to his senses, her dark eyes staring at Xiao Xueqing coldly.

She didn't expect that Xiao Xueqing would actually do something to herself. Just now she missed Senior Brother Xiao so much that she had the opportunity to push herself.

Thinking of the other party's unreasonable troubles, Mu Yue's heart was also a little dissatisfied.

Mu Yue snorted coldly, "Is there enough trouble?"

Xiao Xueqing was shocked by Mu Yue's cold drink, but then recovered again and stared back angrily, "Who do you think you are, you dare to speak to me like this! I let you leave Yuyunxuan, Did you hear that!"

Mu Yue snorted coldly and looked at Xiao Xueqing mockingly, "I can't leave Yuyunxuan, isn't it your decision?"

"Why don't I have the final say? I'm Yu Yunxuan's fiancée. You can't meet with Yu Yunxuan right now, let alone at the same table with Yu Yunxuan. Change seats immediately, no, change classes!" Xiao Xueqing pointed angrily. Mu Yue ordered.

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