Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2261: Yu Shao's Fiancee 3

Mu Yue sneered and looked at Xiao Xueqing, "It's just a small fiancée. What qualifications do you think you have? Let me change seats and change classes? Even if you are a husband and wife, you are not qualified to rule that Yu Yunxuan has other friends of the opposite sex. ?"

What an unreasonable little girl, if this girl is with Yu Yunxuan in the future, she feels that the two of them will have to divorce within a few years.

Although she had only met Yuyunxuan for a few days, she could also see some of his character from his face.

In the past, perhaps because of his body, he concealed his edge and his strong personality.

Even if his body does not recover, marrying this girl, if she makes friends with him, she will definitely not tolerate it.

What's more, now his body has gradually recovered, and the strength and wildness hidden in the body have also exploded, so he will never tolerate this little girl's fooling around.

When Xiao Xueqing heard Mu Yue's words, she was also very angry. The color of her entire face was constantly changing, and she was gasping for breath.

"You, you..." Xiao Xueqing was so angry that she stammered, "You vixen, you still shamelessly seduce Yu Yunxuan in broad daylight, I...I won't let you go!"

Having said that, Xiao Xueqing directly raised her hand, turned her claws with both hands, and grabbed Mu Yue's face. It was obvious that she wanted to ruin Mu Yue's beautiful face.

She felt that as long as Mu Yue's appearance was ruined, Yu Yunxuan would not be moved by her.

Seeing Xiao Xueqing's actions, Mu Yue narrowed her eyes slightly. She really didn't want to do it, but sometimes, she had to do it.

Xiao Xueqing's actions had already angered her, so if she didn't listen to her, then she was not to be blamed.

Mu Yue raised his hand, and slapped Xiao Xueqing's hand away with a slap. Two clear sounds of "Papa" echoed, and Xiao Xueqing screamed in pain.

" hurts!" Xiao Xueqing held her hands.

Mu Yue, who was already a little angry in her heart, was not easy to start, not to mention that she was still a master of internal skills, and soon, with her two slaps, Xiao Xueqing's hands became red and swollen, very clear.

Xiao Xueqing's eyes were filled with tears in an instant, and two lines of tears fell, and she looked very pitiful.

" dare to hit me!" Xiao Xueqing raised her head and stared at Mu Yue angrily.

She didn't expect that this vixen would beat herself, wouldn't she be afraid of her family's revenge?

Mu Yue looked at Xiao Xueqing coldly, "What's wrong with me hitting you? You were the one who wanted to act on me first, I'm just defensive!"

Hehehe, she didn't pinch a soft persimmon.

Although she didn't know which Xiao Xueqing's Xiao was, she believed that even if she beat Xiao Xueqing, there would be absolutely nothing wrong.

Even if this Xiao is Xiao Junyan's Xiao, it is definitely a collateral, relying on Mr. Xiao.

And her fiancé is the grandson of Mr. Xiao, she is at most just a collateral of the Xiao family, what can she do?

Moreover, this matter was originally not her fault.

She hit Xiao Xueqing's hand, and showed evidence that she hit her hand.

Ha ha ha, will someone hit only the back of the hand, not the face or other places? The twists and turns are a bit more complicated.

"You..." Xiao Xueqing was **** off by Mu Yue's words again, feeling unhappy and unwilling in her heart!

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