Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2262: Yu Shao's Fiancee 4

"What's wrong with me?" Mu Yue raised her eyebrows and looked at Xiao Xueqing, and snorted, "I also warn you, don't bother me!"

After speaking, Mu Yue just turned around and left.

Xiao Xueqing looked at Mu Yue, who seemed to be leaving with a fake tiger, and she was so angry that she was even more angry.

"Bitch, fox! I will never let you go, I'm going to Xuan's brother to sue you!" Xiao Xueqing stared at Mu Yue's back with bitter eyes, gritted teeth.

Muttering in her mouth, Xiao Xueqing hurried into Mu Yue's class to find Yu Yunxuan.

Xiao Xueqing and Mu Yue entered the first group with their feet before and after, and ran to Yu Yunxuan on a detour, with grievances all over their faces, "Brother Xuan, I was beaten, you want to avenge me!"

Yu Yunxuan, who was reading, heard Xiao Xueqing's words, raised his head and looked at her impatiently.

To be honest, Yu Yunxuan really dislikes Xiao Xueqing, but the elders of Naihe's family told him about this marriage, hoping that he can leave a queen for Yu's family in the future.

He wanted to refuse, but when he saw that his parents were worried about not having a future because of his own illness, he also acquiesced that his parents would sit behind.

However, when he usually treats Xiao Xueqing, he is still relatively indifferent.

Because the two are not the same age, and they are not in the same class, it happens that they rarely meet each other.

However, the family also asked Xiao Xueqing to pay more attention to Yu Yunxuan when she was in school, and sometimes came to their class often, but was blocked by his pretending to sleep.

Even if he was not feeling well, Xiao Xueqing came to see him, but he pretended to be asleep and avoided it, or because he was not feeling well now.

Now that Xiao Xueqing came to find herself, Yu Yunxuan was still a little unhappy.

However, Yu Yunxuan felt a little refreshed when someone beat Xiao Xueqing, but he still asked in understanding, "Who beat you?"

Hearing Yu Yunxuan's question, Xiao Xueqing immediately pointed to Mu Yue and said, "It's her! She hit me, you see, my hands are red and swollen!"

Having said that, Xiao Xueqing also handed Mu Yue's "criminal evidence" to Yu Yunxuan.

When Yu Yunxuan heard Xiao Xueqing's guidance, he subconsciously turned his head and looked in the direction she was pointing, and saw Mu Yue sitting next to him.

He did not expect that the person who beat Xiao Xueqing turned out to be Mu Yue.

She looked at Xiao Xueqing's red and swollen back of her hand again, and looked at Mu Yue suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

It seems that Xiao Xueqing and Mu Yue only met for the first time, right? Why did the two fight?

Mu Yue shrugged her shoulders and said innocently, "I just went to a toilet. Your fiancée ran in front of me and told me not to miss you, saying that you already have a fiancée. And don't let me be your deskmate, let me go to another class!"

She told everything very honestly, without changing a bit.

Hearing Mu Yue's explanation, Yu Yunxuan's brows were tightly furrowed together, and he turned his head and swept towards Xiao Xueqing angrily.

He didn't expect that it turned out to be such a thing, no wonder Mu Yue would beat her.

Yu Yunxuan is not a fool. His ability is absolutely extraordinary. When he sees that Xiao Xueqing's hands are red and swollen, and not elsewhere, then it must be Xiao Xueqing who has to act on Mu Yue before he is slapped and swollen. The back of her hand.

Otherwise, it wasn't Xiao Xueqing's hand that hurt, but something else.

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