Xiao Xueqing immediately jumped angrily when she heard what Mu Yue said, "Brother Xuan, that's not the case, she bullied me, my hand is evidence, she beat me!"

She couldn't admit that she was targeting Mu Yue, and she wanted Mu Yue to lose face in front of Yu Yunxuan.

Mu Yue chuckled lightly and looked at Xiao Xueqing mockingly.

When Xiao Xueqing heard Mu Yue’s laughter, she felt like she had blown up her hair and became even more angry. "What are you laughing at? Don’t think you can fool Brother Xuan with a bit of beauty. You hit me. This is indisputable. fact!"

Mu Yue propped his chin with one hand and looked at Xiao Xueqing with a smile.

Not to mention that Yu Yunxuan already believed what she said in his heart, even if Yu Yunxuan didn't believe it, he had to live for his own body and could not offend her.

Now that Xiao Xueqing even dared to beat her, Yu Yunxuan would definitely not believe her.

"Yu Shao, what do you think?" Mu Yue's gaze fell on Yu Yunxuan's body.

Yu Yunxuan turned his head and smiled at Mu Yue. This smile meant that he had believed her and didn't believe Xiao Xueqing.

Then, he turned his head and looked at Xiao Xueqing, "Xiao Xueqing, what do you want me to do?"

Xiao Xueqing felt proud when she heard Yu Yunxuan's words. Sure enough, brother Xuan was still on her side. After all, she was brother Xuan's fiancée.

"Brother Xuan, if you asked the school to expel her, you dare to seduce you in a place like the school, you are not qualified to study here!" Xiao Xueqing glared at Mu Yue sullenly, gritted her teeth and said.

When Mu Yue listened to Xiao Xueqing's words, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, revealing a playful smile.

She didn't think that what Yu Yunxuan asked Xiao Xueqing just now was to help her and let her do it.

When Yu Yunxuan heard that, his restored face gradually turned gloomy, and he looked at Xiao Xueqing coldly.

What Xiao Xueqing said, he knew very well that if it were replaced by someone else, it is estimated that Mu Yue would not be able to get ahead in the future, let alone study for the college entrance examination or university.

Just because of a person's words and a person's jealousy, a girl was killed, and there was a flash of anger in Yu Yunxuan's eyes.

Regardless of whether he really has that kind of thought for Mu Yue in his heart, Yu Yunxuan absolutely does not want to see that other people have something because of him.

Yu Yunxuan looked at Xiao Xueqing with cold eyes, his voice was also cold, "Do you think I would do this?"

Xiao Xueqing was startled, with a puzzled look on her face, looking at Yu Yunxuan.

Yu Yunxuan still looked at Xiao Xueqing coldly, "I never knew that you are such a vicious-hearted person!"

"Sure enough!" Mu Yue secretly said in her heart, she knew that Yu Yunxuan was a good person, and his brain was very good, so she wouldn't be fooled by others.

Xiao Xueqing's face immediately became pale when she heard the words, and then she showed an aggrieved and incredulous look, "Brother Xuan, don't you believe me? You believe him but don't believe me?"

I was very happy and proud just now, but now Yu Yunxuan's words are like kicking her down from a high mountain and falling into an abyss.

The situation in front of her was not the same scene as she had expected!

"Believe? Of course I won't believe you!" Yu Yunxuan's voice became colder and more alienated, "Xiao Xueqing, don't say that this thing was originally something you did. Even if it is not, you have no qualifications, right My classmates are gesticulating!"

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