Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2271: Dissolution of marriage 5

Father Xiao wanted to beg the master again, but the guards invited him out of the compound directly. The guards refused to let him in, and if he entered again, he would be sent to the police station.

The current situation made Xiao's father understand that Yujia's attitude was very determined.

Father Xiao was also anxious in his heart. All his status now depends on the relationship between his father and Master Yu.

After Yujia was gone, he promised that everything he had now would be taken away.

Thinking of this, Xiao's father hurriedly went to Beijing No. 1 Middle School. He was going to find Xiao Xueqing and find his own daughter to settle the account.

This incident was her fault, and no matter how much it cost her, she must also bear it.

Father Xiao came to the school to find Xiao Xueqing, and slapped Xiao Xueqing directly in front of all the students in the school.

"Idiot! Useless thing!" Father Xiao cursed at Xiao Xueqing.

The slap print on Xiao Xueqing's face finally disappeared, and now she was beaten by Xiao's father again, and the slap print on her face appeared again.

"'s wrong with you?" Xiao Xueqing didn't know what happened to Xiao's father before going to the Yujia at this time, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

She did not expect that her father would come to slap her.

Father Xiao stared at his daughter fiercely, his eyes seemed to be looking at his enemy, "What's wrong with me? You said, Yu Yunxuan hit you, what is it for?"

When Xiao Xueqing heard about her father, she suddenly shrank her neck with a guilty conscience, and her expression was very flustered.

Seeing Xiao Xueqing's appearance, Xiao's father was very clear in his heart that he was being teased by his own daughter.

"Okay, very good, you dare to lie to me!" Xiao fatherly called a gritted teeth!

Seeing the anger of Xiao's father, Xiao Xueqing was also in a panic, and quickly grabbed Xiao's father's clothes, "Dad, I...I was wrong, I'm really angry but Brother Xuan hit me, that's why I said that!"

"Slap!" When the words were finished, Xiao's father gave Xiao Xueqing a slap again.

Crisp applause echoed throughout the corridor.

Although it was a class at this time, and in order to avoid some trouble, Xiaofu and Xiao Xueqing were in the corridor, but the teachers and students in the classroom heard the applause outside.

Although the students were curious, the teacher was there and dared not to look at it, but the teacher held out his head curiously to see what happened.

This seems to be news of beating. If it is really beating, if they are teachers, if they don't stand up, it is estimated that their school's reputation will be stinking, so they can't be regarded as curious.

It's just that, seeing Father Xiao playing Xiao Xueqing, these teachers didn't go out to stop them, and seemed to have heard some of the things just now.

At this time, Xiao Xueqing didn't know that she was being watched by those teachers, and she was shocked inexplicably at this time.

She didn't say anything at all, why did her father hit her?

"Dad, why did you hit me again? What did I do wrong?" Xiao Xueqing clutched her face, crying aggrievedly.

Father Xiao pointed to Xiao Xueqing's nose and gritted his teeth and asked, "Did you say bad things about Mu Yue? You even scolded Mu Yue's mother?"

Xiao Xueqing suddenly shrank her neck when she heard this, she didn't dare to speak, she seemed to admit it.


Seeing Xiao Xueqing's appearance, Xiao's father slapped her to the ground again.

Those teachers were surprised when they saw Father Xiao slap Xiao Xueqing again and slap Xiao Xueqing on the ground. What happened?

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