Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2272: Better sister-in-law Xiao 1

Xiao Xueqing sat down on the ground and looked up at Father Xiao in surprise, "Dad!"

"I should have fallen your mother to you at the beginning, and shouldn't give birth to you!" Xiao fatherly called a furious, "What can't be said, let's talk about the little princess of the Mu family, you want to die by yourself." , Don't pull me! Mr. Yu has cancelled the marriage contract of the two of you!!"

Xiao Xueqing was shocked when she heard Father Xiao's words, "Wh...what? How could this be?"

She didn't expect that the marriage contract between herself and Yu Yunxuan would be so gone?

"Go, go with me to apologize to Mu Yue, if she doesn't forgive you, you don't want to come back! I don't have a daughter like you! You will live or die in the future, it has nothing to do with me!" Xiao Xueqing on the ground picked it up and dragged him to the class where Yuyunxuan and the others were.

Xiao Xueqing cried, "Dad, I don't want to, Dad, don't do this to me, I am your daughter! Obviously that fox robbed Brother Xuan!"

When Father Xiao heard this, he was even more angry and threw her down the stairs.

They were also lucky. They only walked halfway up the stairs. Although Xiao Xueqing was thrown down, she didn't fall to death, but she also fell out of blood on her head, looking very embarrassed.

However, Father Xiao didn't feel distressed at all because of Xiao Xueqing's appearance. He just wanted to take her to find Mu Yue and get her forgiveness. Otherwise, he was worried that he would not be able to sit down in his current seat.

Father Xiao glanced at Xiao Xueqing, who was injured in the fall, with disgust, went down and picked her up, threatening to warn, "You better be forgiven by Mu Yue, otherwise, I don't mind denying you whether this daughter can hear you? "

Xiao Xueqing was very aggrieved and angry, but facing her father's indifference and threats, she could only wincely nod her head.

After all, she is just a girl, afraid of her father.

At this time, the bell rang at the end of get out of class, and Xiao's father took Xiao Xueqing to Mu Yue's class.

The teacher had already left, Xiao's father dragged Xiao Xueqing into the class, and when he saw Yu Yunxuan, he quickly walked over.

When Yu Yunxuan saw Father Xiao coming, he just glanced indifferently, and looked at Mu Yue, who was beside him, and said softly, "He is Xiao Xueqing's father!"

Mu Yue nodded lightly, she could also see from Father Xiao's face.

Yang Xue, who was sitting in her seat, saw Xiao Xueqing being dragged in by Xiao Xueqing's wounded and embarrassed, her face was shocked and unbelievable. She covered her mouth with her hands and watched them go to the seat where Yu Yunxuan was.

Although Father Xiao hadn't seen Mu Yue, he had seen her picture on TV and newspapers, and he recognized him immediately, but he didn't dare to talk to him, and went to Yu Yunxuan first.

"Yun Xuan, I'm so sorry, Xueqing did something that shouldn't be done, and made you angry! I will take her to apologize to you and Miss Mu immediately!" Xiao's father confronted Yu with some embarrassment. Yun Xuan said.

After talking about Father Xiao, he kicked Xiao Xueqing's lap, and Xiao Xueqing knelt on the ground with a "puff".

Xiao Xueqing's knees were a little heavy, causing her mouth to make a painful sound.

Yu Yunxuan sneered and said faintly, "Uncle Xiao, should my grandfather talk to you?"

"Say...Say it!" Father Xiao said with a far-fetched smile on his face, "Xueqing is young and ignorant, Yun Xuan, you also grew up with her childhood sweetheart, knowing that she is actually very kind in heart. Moreover, she is sincere to you and wants to marry you!"

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