Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2277: Korean Medicine Challenge Book 1

Mu Yue solved Xiao Xueqing here, thinking that he could study hard with peace of mind, but the other side was in trouble again.

The president of the Chinese Medicine Association received information from Korean medicine.

They heard that there was a young man with superb medical skills from Huaxia Kingdom. She was very arrogant, saying that Huaxia Kingdom’s Chinese medicine is the most powerful medical skills in the world.

Their Korean medicine is the best medicine in the world, and it is the most orthodox. The Chinese medicine of China is just a branch of their Korean medicine.

And the challenge of Chinese medicine is just an excuse for South Korea to find trouble for their Huaxia Kingdom. They have never heard of the words of Korean medicine.

Who is a young man with superb medical skills? Why don't they know?

In the office of the Chinese Medicine Association, after several old Chinese doctors learned of the news, their old faces were flushed with anger, "Damn, damn, what a damn! The medical skills of these sticks are really arrogant!"

"Can't let them be so arrogant anymore, they must be rubbed together!"

"Yes, do you really think that we have no successors in Chinese medicine?"

These old Chinese doctors have spent their entire lives on Chinese medicine. To them, Chinese medicine is everything.

However, now people come to them to show off and to belittle the Chinese medicine they have learned. How can this make them tolerate it, and how can it make them not angry?

"Since they want to challenge us, then we accept it!" Chen Yukun, the president of the Chinese Medicine Association, said coldly.

Another old Chinese doctor nodded in agreement and said, "We must accept it. If they don't accept it, they may have to demean our Chinese medicine again. This will have a great impact on the future development of our Chinese medicine!"

"It's just that they are challenging our younger generation. There are too few Chinese medicine practitioners of us younger than 25 years old!"

"Oh, yes, although there are many Chinese medicine practitioners in the school, they are not qualified to participate in the competition, and their medical skills are not up to the standard!"

"It's really difficult to get five people together!"

Several old TCM doctors are a little hesitant, and don't know how to recommend a superb TCM at this age.

Shen Guoxiong, the dean of the Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a member of the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said in a calm tone, "I see, let’s choose a few students with good medical skills and talents in the school first. Through our Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, I will ask if there are any young children with good family inheritance in medical skills everywhere!"

At Shen Guoxiong's suggestion, everyone looked at each other and nodded at each other.

"Well, that's a good idea!"

"Now there is only this way!"

Now, besides this method, there is no other way.

"President, then, it is up to you to negotiate with Korean medicine and tell them that we accept their challenge, but we need to prepare for some time!" An old Chinese medicine doctor said to Chen Yukun, the chairman of the Chinese Medicine Association.

It will take some time for them to find those young TCM doctors Tianjiao, not just pull one out.

Five places, you have to weigh the pros and cons and understand the medical skills of those young children before you can give one.

Chen Yukun nodded, "Okay, I get it!"

At this moment, Qi Huailu turned to look at Chen Yukun, with a smile on his face, and said, "Old Chen, I recommend someone here. I think, she is here again. This time the challenge of Korean medicine will definitely win!"


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