Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2278: Korean Medicine Challenge 2

When Mu Yue was having lunch at school, her cell phone rang.

Su Yunxi heard Mu Yue's cell phone ringing and couldn't help but teased, "Did your Senior Brother Xiao call you?"

Mu Yue cast a blank look and looked at the caller ID on the phone, "It's not Brother Xiao, it's an unfamiliar call!"

After the phone was connected, an old man's voice came from the phone, "Hey, hello, may I ask, is it Mu Yue?"

Mu Yue listened to the other party's voice, pondered for a moment, and said, "I am Mu Yue, may I ask you?"

"Haha, little friend Mu Yue, it's me, don't you remember Chen Yukun who I met in Haiyun Pavilion!" Chen Yukun on the other side of the phone said to Mu Yue with a smile.

When Qi Huailu said his candidate, Chen Yukun made a decision without saying a word.

Whether it is Mu Yue's ancestors or Mu Yue's medical skills, these old Chinese doctors admire them.

Although they had only met once and had only talked for a day, they were already willing to bow down in their hearts.

Now when dealing with Mu Yue, they are not treating her younger generation, but treating her as their own peers, and some even treat Mu Yue as a senior.

Mu Yue's medical skills and insights were really beyond their imagination. The medical skills were definitely not worse than any of them.

Therefore, after the decision was made, Chen Yukun called Mu Yue and wanted to ask her about her situation.

"Oh, Mr. Chen, um, remember, why don't the younger generations remember?" Mu Yue naturally remembered several old Chinese doctors he met in Haiyun Pavilion, and said with a smile, "Just, I don't know Mr. Chen, you call What's the matter?"

The people sitting at the table at the same time as Mu Yue looked at Mu Yue curiously.

They seemed to have heard the three words "Haiyun Pavilion" just now.

Where is Haiyun Pavilion, how could they not know?

"That's it!" Chen Yukun hesitated for a while, phrasing and explaining, "Recently, we received a Korean Korean medicine challenge, saying that we would challenge the young children of Chinese medicine in China!"

Mu Yue raised her eyebrows when she heard what Chen Yukun said. Korean medicine challenged Chinese medicine?

"Oh, challenge Chinese medicine? Why would they suddenly challenge us? Is there any purpose?" Mu Yue couldn't help but said curiously and incomprehensibly.

Those Korean doctors suddenly jumped out to challenge them. Is this painful?

"Oh, they said that those young people in our Chinese medicine circle are too arrogant and don't put their Korean medicine in their eyes. Therefore, if they want to compete with our Chinese medicine competition, who is more skilled in medicine?" Chen Yukun was helpless. He sighed and explained.

Hearing Chen Yukun's explanation, Mu Yue frowned, "Has anyone in our country offended them?"

"No!" Chen Yukun shook his head and said, "I also find it strange, I am also asking, who is the young Chinese medicine doctor in their mouth!"

Mu Yue nodded lightly, tapped his fingers on the table a few times, and said, "It may also be a reason they deliberately found!"

"Perhaps!" Chen Yukun nodded in agreement, and said, "But, I don't know if Mu Yue would you like to join this candidate? Accept the challenge of Korean medicine!"

He called Mu Yue today in order to be able to invite her to participate in this competition between China and South Korea.

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