Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2279: Korean Medicine Challenge 3

Mu Yue said with some embarrassment, "Old Chen, I am in my third year of high school, and I am about to take the college entrance examination. I have to study at school!"

To be honest, she was really reluctant to compete with those little kids, it was too cheap.

Yes, if she goes to compete with those old Chinese medicine doctors in South Korea, she is willing, but she is not willing to compete with those Korean medicine Tianjiao in Korea. It feels like a generational rhythm.

In her eyes, those Korean doctors in South Korea are plagiarizing Chinese medicine, and they are not as good as Chinese medicine. She can regard the old Chinese doctors of China as her seniors, but she does not regard the old Korean doctors of Korea as her seniors. , At best, it's just as peers.

In Mu Yue's eyes, those young Korean doctors in Korea are just a bunch of ignorant kids.

Mu Yue thinks that playing with them is just playing with little kids.

"This!" Chen Yukun hesitated.

However, at this time, Shen Guoxiong, who was beside him, heard Mu Yue's words and immediately grabbed Chen Yukun's phone number, and said uncomfortably, "Mu Yue, do you remember me?"

Mu Yue listened to the voice and said with a smile, "Is it Mr. Shen?"

Shen Guoxiong heard Mu Yue recognizing his own voice, and said with a smile, "I am me. What kind of college entrance examination you said is not a problem. As long as you participate in this competition between Chinese medicine and Korean medicine, I am very special. You are invited to enter the Beijing University Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine!"

As the dean of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Beijing University, it is also possible to invite Mu Yue to study in their School of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Moreover, if Mu Yue accepts this competition between Chinese medicine and Korean medicine and Mu Yue wins the competition, even if he enters the academy and becomes a professor, it will be easy, let alone just be a student.

Therefore, Shen Guoxiong made such a vow, almost guaranteed by patting his chest.

Su Yunxi kept listening to Mu Yue's call with her ears upright, and her eyes lit up when she heard the content inside.

Damn it, these people work hard to go to class every day, isn't it just to be able to go to a good university?

But this Mu Yue hasn't taken an exam yet, as long as he promises to participate in a competition, he can easily go to the highest institution of Huaxia Kingdom, Jingcheng University.

This news, how you hear it, feels very suspenseful.

Chen Yukun on the side also nodded in agreement, "Yes, that's right, Mu Yue, as long as you agree to participate in the competition, you do not need to take the college entrance examination. Our Chinese Medical Association can recommend you to become a student of Beijing College!"

Mu Yue felt helpless again when he heard the words. He noticed that the people at the same table who were looking at him eagerly touched his nose, "Cough cough cough, old Chen, old Shen, are you here? Teach bad kids!"

"Hahaha, no, why would you still be a child! With your current medical skills, it would be more than enough to be a professor in our College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. If it weren't for your age, being a professor would probably not sell your face , I want you to be a professor in our school!" Shen Guoxiong laughed when he heard it, and even said jokingly.

Mu Yue was even more depressed, she couldn't talk about these two old people.

"Mu Yue, what are you still hesitating about? I agree!" Su Yunxi quickly grabbed Mu Yue's arm and reminded him, "As long as you agree to participate, you can enter Beijing University without taking an exam!"

This is something she can't admire. Why is this girl hesitant!

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