Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2287: Haiyunge Chinese Medicine Association 3

"Old Chen, is there such a school of Chinese medicine?" an old man asked Chen Yukun in a puzzled manner.

When Chen Yukun heard the old man’s question, he smiled and explained to everyone, “Of course there is this school of Chinese medicine, but this school of Chinese medicine is not only Chinese medicine, but also metaphysical principles, strange gossips, and it can be regarded as a line of metaphysics. Medical skills are also dabbled in."

"Well, this metaphysical school has also been recognized by the archaeological expert Cao Hongwei. He has studied the metaphysic school, and the historical Sun Simiao belongs to the metaphysical school!" Chen Yukun nodded and explained.

"Hiss!" Hearing Chen Yukun's explanation, everyone couldn't help taking a breath of air-conditioning.

Shen Guoxiong also smiled and nodded and said, "Yes! I didn't expect that the Xuanyi Sect had such a long history. If it weren't for the existence of Sun Simiao as a Medicine King, I wouldn't know the existence of Xuanyi Sect!"

"Our school mainly studies Qimen gossip and metaphysics! In ancient times, it was mainly to assist the emperor, but later due to some affairs in the court, and finally gradually turned to Chinese medicine!" Mu Yue explained with a smile.

The court was nothing more than various competitions for fame and fortune. The black-clothed prime minister of the Ming Dynasty, Yao Guangxiao, was worried about the emperor's thoughts, so he finally closed it, and he was a competent minister with the best results.

It is also because of this that, with the development of the school of metaphysics in the past, everyone gradually changed their main force into Chinese medicine and researched medicine.

Listening to Mu Yue's explanation, everyone seemed to understand, but it also made everyone careless.

There are a lot of various rumors in this history, who knows that they are true or false, saying that Sun Simiao is a member of your metaphysical school!

Everyone has more or less calculations and disdain in their hearts.

Mu Yue glanced at the people, her eyes drooping, and her heart became clear for a while, she also knew that her appearance represented the mysterious doctor's school and what kind of reaction it brought to them.

Chen Yukun smiled and said to everyone, "In the list of fighting Korean medicine this time, we have temporarily set Mu Yue, and the remaining four people, I hope everyone can recommend everyone's genius disciples to join the ranks of fighting Korean medicine. Among them!"

Hearing Chen Yukun's words, everyone's faces showed some dissatisfaction.

What does this mean? Everyone has directly thought of that aspect, that is, Mu Yue's medical skills are superb, more powerful than any of your descendants, so the quota is firmly established.

This result makes all the masters of Chinese medicine feel a little uncomfortable.

They didn't want to admit that their disciples were worse than other disciples, especially this little girl who just came out, only seventeen or eighteen years old, or something they hadn't heard of before.

"Old Chen, you said that we let us bring the most outstanding disciples of our descendants here, just to let everyone give a judgement, and decide the five people who will fight last. You don't even ask everyone about it, and you decide one. Is the quota a bit too sloppy?" An old man in a gray Tang suit touched his beard and said to Chen Yukun.

This was also endorsed by other elders, "Yes! This competition is about the reputation of our Chinese medicine community, so you can't be careless!"

"Let's not rely on the name of the school behind him to occupy a place!" An old man said with a slightly unwilling look.

Their own disciples hadn't had this special case yet, and Mu Yue, such a yellow-haired girl, was actually unacceptable.

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