Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2288: Haiyunge Chinese Medicine Association 4

Mu Yue was very clear about what these old guys were thinking.

This is nothing more than dissatisfaction with each other, all wanting to let their disciples come out for a battle, and in the final battle with Korean medicine, they won, which also gave them a good publicity effect.

In fact, there are many schools of Chinese medicine in China.

For example, the Shanghan school, the most representative one is Zhang Zhongjing. His "Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases", the theoretical dispute between typhoid fever and febrile disease has developed the diagnosis and treatment of external fever.

Therefore, those who respect Zhang Zhongjing's typhoid fever have become a big group of their own, and later generations will also call it the typhoid group.

Another example is the Plague School, the most representative of which is Ye Tianshi of the Qing Dynasty. His "Wen Re Lun" provided a theoretical and dialectical basis for the development of the theory of febrile disease in our country.

Another example is Zhang Jingyue of the Ming Dynasty, a representative of the Wenbu School and the actual founder. The creation of Zuogui Pills, Yougui Pills and other famous prescriptions has made great contributions to the enrichment and improvement of the kidney therapy.

There are many schools of Chinese medicine, each with its own merits, and they are not clearly analyzed by everyone. The old masters of Chinese medicine here are all descendants of these schools, and they are also well-known masters in the field of Chinese medicine.

This is the best in their genre, and they are unwilling to surrender to others, otherwise, it represents their genre and is inferior to others, which is not what they want to see.

These elderly people, in fact, have no selfish intentions, that is, they want to carry forward the genre they have learned. However, in a modern society, it is not easy to develop Chinese medicine.

Therefore, this time the Huaxia Chinese Medicine and Korean Medicine Competition is the best opportunity. They are not willing to give up such a good opportunity.

When she came out, she gave them one more competition, and she only fought for one more place for her own sect.

Therefore, Mu Yue was not angry at this, but just laughed off.

"Hehehe, that's the case, then, why don't we have a question-answering activity, how about?" Mu Yue chuckled lightly and looked at the crowd and asked.

Mu Yue spoke suddenly, causing all the old people who spoke to close their mouths and look at her.

Chen Yukun was taken aback, and asked Mu Yue in a somewhat puzzled tone, "Mu Yue, can you tell me more?"

Mu Yue glanced at the people, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and said, "Since everyone is here today for the places to compete with Korean Korean Medicine, then I will conduct a test here first, and no disciples will participate in the competition. The masters of traditional Chinese medicine in China will ask us young disciples who participate in the competition to rush to answer. Whoever gives a better treatment plan will win. This can not only test the reaction ability of young children, but also measure our medical level!"

When everyone heard Mu Yue's suggestion, they looked at each other and nodded one after another, all agreeing to her proposal.

And those young disciples cast curious and unkind eyes at Mu Yue.

What does she mean by this? Are you very confident in your own medical skills? Do you think she can compete with so many of them?

Being able to be brought by one's own elders and competing against Korean Korean medicine means that their medical skills are very good.

His own medical skills were very good, and he was unavoidable to be proud. Therefore, facing Mu Yue's appearance at this time, I was more or less unwilling and disdainful in my heart. I only felt that Mu Yue was too embarrassed.

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