Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2289: Haiyun Pavilion Chinese Medicine Association 5

Chen Yukun has no objection to Mu Yue's proposal, but rather agrees very much.

Last time they and Mu Yue exchanged Chinese medicine with Mu Yue in Haiyun Pavilion, they shared many of the TCM problems they had encountered with Mu Yue, and she was able to answer them one by one, and gave them better inspiration. Those other masters of Chinese medicine can't do it.

Therefore, he agrees with and trusts Mu Yue's abilities very much, and believes that she will be able to shine in front of so many masters of Chinese medicine.

It's a mule or a horse, just pull it out and you'll know it!

"I agree with this too!"

"I agree!"

"This idea is very good!"

"Then let's do it, I don't have any disciples to participate, if you don't mind, I will come up with the question!"

"I don't have any disciples to participate, so let me ask the question!"

One by one, the masters of Chinese medicine stood up one after another, expressing their agreement with Mu Yue's proposal and preparing to do so.

Chen Yukun glanced at the old Chinese doctors who came with his disciples and wanted to get a share, "How do you feel?"

Several masters of Chinese medicine all looked at each other. It seems that this idea is one of the best methods now, but it is also the fastest.

To verify their Chinese medicine skills, in fact, the best thing is to find patients. However, there are no patients here, and you have to run out, which is a little troublesome.

So, let's choose a few people first by asking questions here.

Then go to the hospital, choose some more serious or complicated patients for diagnosis and treatment, and arrange the contestants through equal points. This is the fairest and most just.

"We have no objection!"

"Very good! I have no opinion either!"

These Chinese medicine masters all nodded, nodding in agreement.

Mu Yue saw that these Chinese medicine masters had agreed to his proposal, and said with a smile, "Then the masters who made the question will evaluate everyone's score. Of course, for the sake of fairness, all masters of Chinese medicine with disciples cannot participate Among them, otherwise, if one participates, others will be dissatisfied. What do you think?"

Chen Yukun nodded on behalf of everyone, "This is fine! What do you think?"

As long as the masters of traditional Chinese medicine who have disciples participate, they are unwilling to intervene.

This kind of regulation is the most fair and tidy, and I agree with it, nodding one after another, without comment.

Then he said, "As long as there are disciples participating, they sit on the stools on both sides, and those who want to participate in the competition, stand in the middle! The masters who judge the questions are all seated in the first seat!"

The waiter quickly rearranged the entire hall according to Chen Yukun's arrangement.

There are more than a dozen disciples who have reached the age standard and are ready to participate in the competition.

And some people who are a little over the age stand behind their masters. They come here to join in the fun and get to know some seniors in the TCM field.

Therefore, there were only fifteen people who participated in the competition in the end, both men and women.

Mu Yue stood with these fourteen people, divided into two rows, arranged according to their height, and shot them in front.

As the judge of the topic, there are six other old masters of Chinese medicine, among them Chen Yukun.

Chen Yukun sat in the middle and said to the crowd, "Now you start rushing to answer. You must answer immediately after raising your hand, and you must not pause. Otherwise, you will cancel your assessment on the grounds of interfering with others. Do you know?"

Since it is a quick answer, what you want is fast and accurate, and you can't let them waste time.


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