Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2290: Investigated Medical Skills 1

"Let’s test everyone’s familiarity with books first. Now I recite the contents of a short section of medical art. Whoever thinks of it first, who is the first to answer, then memorize it until the end of this section, there should be no errors or pauses in between. If there is anything, it will be regarded as a mistake!" Chen Yukun glanced at the crowd and said with a smile.

Mu Yue and the others did not have any objections, and nodded gently.

"Okay, let's start now!" Chen Yukun got a response from everyone, coughed, and began to recite the contents of one of the books in Chinese Medicine.

There are countless books on traditional Chinese medicine in the ancient China. It is easy to confuse and memorize a short paragraph from so many books. This is also a test of everyone's understanding of basic knowledge.

"Wind wins to move, heat wins to swell, dry wins to dry, cold wins to float, wet wins to write..." Chen Yukun recites a short paragraph in the middle of the fifth chapter of "Su Wen" on Yin and Yang Yingxiang. Let everyone start to recite, which is more difficult than recitation from the beginning.

Upon hearing this content, those masters of Chinese medicine showed a clear look on their faces and nodded gently. They all already knew the content of the book.

The brilliance flowed in Mu Yue's eyes, raised his hand, without saying anything, and directly followed what Chen Yukun said, "There are four o'clock and five elements in the sky, to grow and collect, and to produce cold, heat, and dry wind. There are five people. Hidden, transforms the five qi to produce happiness, anger, sorrow and fear. Therefore, happiness, anger and anger, cold and heat injury. Violent anger injures yin, violent happiness and yang. The qi goes up, the pulse is lost. Life is not solid. Therefore, heavy yin must be yang, and double yang must be yin. Therefore, it is said: cold in winter, febrile disease in spring; wind in spring, wind in summer, diarrhea in summer; malaria in summer, malaria in autumn; Wet, Dongsheng coughs."

Those young disciples who were also evaluated on the side all turned their heads and watched in astonishment as she recited the following content eloquently, as if there was not a single typo.

"Okay!" Chen Yukun heard Mu Yue's recitation, not bad, and immediately clapped his hands in applause.

However, the others were not so happy, with an unhappy look on their faces.

Everyone subconsciously felt that this was a collusion between Mu Yue and Chen Yukun.

They are all masters of a generation of Chinese medicine. None of them spoke, but they all had the same thoughts in their hearts.

But soon after thinking about it again, it seemed that it was wrong again. In addition to Chen Yukun, there are other masters of Chinese medicine who can give questions.

The fact that those masters of Chinese medicine do not speak does not mean that there are some young people who know how to do nothing.

A woman about twenty years old said it, but she didn't dare to say it out loud, but this voice was still heard by some masters of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Huh, who knows if you have colluded!"

When these words fell, Chen Yukun, who had a smile on his face, sank, and looked at the woman who was talking dissatisfied.

He knew that this woman was the treasured apprentice of Yu Oath, the master of Ziyin School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Bai Yan, who was 21 years old, was the youngest among these contestants except for Mu Yue.

Therefore, Bai Yan was not reconciled at this time, and it was very possible to say it directly. After all, she was young and energetic.

Mu Yue also turned his head and took a look. The woman's skin was Shengxue, her long curled eyelashes flickered, and her small nose looked a little delicate and lovely.

It seems that because of Bai Yan's words, the surrounding atmosphere has become a little different.

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