Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2292: Medical Skills Under Investigation 3

"Hahaha, since Lao Chen doesn't write the question, let's continue!" An old Chinese medicine man sitting next to Chen Yukun said with a kind smile, "Then I will come up with the question, I don't know if you will not. Will you doubt my fairness?"

You have already asked so, so naturally everyone can't say more. Yu Oath also looked at his apprentice and said with a smile, "Naturally not!"

The old man of Chinese medicine smiled and nodded, "The question just now doesn’t count. I’m still going to ask another question, which is also to recite the contents of ancient Chinese medicine books. I will take a paragraph to see how familiar everyone is. Of course, this is also the case. The published books are not some of the content that is made up for publicity in everyone's martial arts!"

All major schools of Chinese medicine have some secret tricks or prescriptions. Therefore, in this case, everyone will only extract some public books, such as the contents of the masterpieces of Chinese medicine.

The old man of Chinese medicine opened his head and said, "The Yellow Emperor said: Good. This pain will live well? Why is it famous?"

With just a short sentence, Mu Yue had already begun to raise his hand, grabbing in front of Yu Xiaolan, who was about to raise his hand, and began to recite, "Uncle Qi said: "Wind, cold and damp, between the external parts of the flesh, he is urgent. Mo, the cold will gather together, the gathering will divide the flesh and split, the split will be painful, the pain will return to the spirit, the return of the spirit will be hot, the heat will be painful, the pain will be relieved, and the jue will cause him to lose his hair. The emperor said: Good. I have already got the meaning. This is not in the viscera, but not on the skin, living alone between the flesh, the true energy cannot be Zhou, so the name is Zhoubi. Therefore, the person who stabbed the numbness must be indispensable. First cut and follow the six meridians below, depending on the emptiness and reality, and the obstruction of the blood knot of the large collaterals, and the deficiencies and the veins trapped in the void, and ironing them to pass them. The Huangdi said: Kindness. I have already got the meaning and the things. Nine of them follow the principles of Xun, and the twelve meridians are yin and yang diseases."

Yu Xiaolan, who wanted to answer first, didn't expect Mu Yue to start reciting it a step faster than herself, turning her head to look at her in surprise.

This time, not only Yu Xiaolan, but also the other masters of Chinese medicine, squinted their eyes, looked at Mu Yue, and began to change their minds.

"Does this Mu Yue really have this ability?"

In everyone's hearts, they couldn't help but pass this thought.

After Mu Yue's recitation was over, the old Chinese doctor was also surprised, and said in his heart, "This girl is so fast!"

As if trying to verify Mu Yue's ability to recite his reaction, he subconsciously read a sentence from the "Huangdi Neijing·Suwen", "The so-called imaginary is the real, and the breath is empty and it should be made up."

Mu Yue replied without changing his face again, simply and neatly, with a gentle and confident tone, without a word difference, "If you are full, you will vent, if your breath is full, you should relieve it. If you want to remove it from Wanchen, you will get rid of the blood. Evil. Those who win the emptiness, and those who speak all the sutras with prosperous ones, will all reduce their evils. If you are ill, you will be solid, and those who are ill will be ill. Those who are ill and you will be vacant, and those who are ill and you will come out. If there is something empty, if there is nothing, if the truth is true, there will be qi, and if there is no qi in the emptiness. After observing it and the first if there is death or existence, the emptiness of the qi, the order of replenishing and reducing the qi, the observing that the qi has gone down and persisted. What is fictitious is real, if one gains or loses, if one makes up for it, if there is gain, then it suddenly becomes if there is a loss."

These contents had already been remembered in Mu Yue's mind, and the answer was very straightforward.

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