Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2293: Medical Skills Under Investigation 4

The speed and accuracy of Mu Yue's answer surprised many people present.

Because it is memorization, not comprehensible recitation, so only a small part is extracted, and incoherent recitation is also possible.

And this incoherent recitation is also a real test of the knowledge and familiarity of the book.

And Mu Yue's ability to recite now has already given everyone a real experience.

This girl really has two things.

At this time, even the remaining oath of a Tianjiao child like Baiyan would treat Mu Yue differently.

He didn't expect that this girl was younger than Bai Yan, but she was so familiar with the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic.

The young disciples who were being evaluated with Mu Yue all looked at her with shocked eyes.

It seems that they finally realized Mu Yue, a girl who was only eighteen years old.

Unexpectedly, she actually had such an ability.

At the very beginning, Chinese medicine is still memorizing by rote, and you can recite all the great works of Chinese medicine, and then it is understanding. Only when you have a thorough understanding, you can be regarded as a little bit of a real Chinese medicine.

Therefore, Mu Yue could not hesitate now, and he could recite them one after another without thinking, which surprised them all.

Some of the brains hadn't caught up yet, Mu Yue remembered where it was after a third of his memorization. When comparing the two, don't be too embarrassed, OK? They both have no face to continue the fight.

Not only this old Chinese doctor was surprised, but even other old Chinese doctors who also acted as examiners were shocked, and immediately asked a few questions.

These recitations were also seized by Mu Yue, and she continued to recite them accurately.

Now, even the Baiyan who was standing next to her widened his eyes and opened his mouth in shock.

Bai Yan couldn't believe it. This girl who was only eighteen years old and younger than her was even worse than her.

She has been praised by her master as a Chinese medicine genius that is rare in a century.

However, Mu Yue was better than her. She waited until Mu Yue had memorized a little before remembering it, but Mu Yue was so much faster than herself.

There was a deep sense of unwillingness and grievance in my heart.

How could someone better than her medical skills, she is obviously a genius of Chinese medicine!

"How is it possible! This must not be true!" Bai Yan almost shouted, staring at Mu Yue.

However, Mu Yue still looked straight ahead with a calm face, smiling at the corners of her mouth, and looked very relaxed and natural.

Bai Yan was a little unwilling, pointing at Mu Yue and yelling, "How can you recite so quickly! You must know what to recite, right?"

Now, Bai Yan really offended a lot of people.

It was indeed the person who asked Mu Yue this time, not Chen Yukun, and not only a master of Chinese medicine, as long as those masters of Chinese medicine who asked questions were told by Bai Yan.

As long as those masters of traditional Chinese medicine who were judges turned their heads and looked at Bai Yan dissatisfied, this girl was really ignorant.

Can such remarks be said casually?

Moreover, Bai Yan has already talked about Chen Yukun just now, have you talked about them now?

At any rate, they are also well-known masters of Chinese medicine in the field of Chinese medicine. Is it necessary to do this kind of obscure thing?

I really thought everyone opened the back door for Mu Yue, cheating for personal gains?

Those masters of traditional Chinese medicine who had never been held accountable before, looked at Baiyan's eyes, and their eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

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