Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2295: Chinese medicine genius is out of date 2

Although Shen Jiangyu's words were not very loud, in this quiet hall, everyone almost heard them.

However, everyone did not say a word, but agreed with him in their hearts.

Indeed, what Bai Yan said just now was really too arrogant, as if to look down on their Chinese doctors.

Therefore, at this moment, everyone is not angry because of Shen Jiangyu's words, but satisfied.

The only dissatisfaction is probably Yu Xie and Bai Yan.

Bai Yan is Yu Oath's apprentice, Shen Jiangyu said so, it can be regarded as hitting him in the face, but he can't get angry either.

Because this sentence is not wrong at all, it is that his apprentice Baiyan is too proud, too self-esteem, and offends almost everyone here.

Mu Yue glanced at the two people who looked very embarrassed at this time, Yu Oath and Bai Yan, a chuckle in his eyes.

Just now Baiyan made those masters of Chinese medicine lose face, now it's Baiyan's turn, this retribution is really fast!

"Since this lady thinks that I and several masters of Chinese medicine are cheating, then, I don’t know what to do, it is not cheating, what we need to do to get your approval, all topics are fair, not selfish. fraud?"

Originally, Mu Yue wanted to prove his ability, but it was actually very simple.

That is to let Baiyan write the question by herself, write the content in the masterpiece of traditional Chinese medicine, and ask her to recite. She came out, and she answered very quickly and accurately. Isn't this cheating?

If she continues to answer quickly, and if Bai Yan still talks about cheating, then hehehehe, this is simply a slap in the face.

And the principle of her life is very simple, others respect me a foot and I respect others, if others deceive me, I will pay a lot of money, insult me ​​to death, hurt me to death, hurt the person I care about. , Must die!

She wants Bai Yan to remember the lesson this time, and she will never be able to think highly of herself and be arrogant in the future.

If she never admits her mistakes and waits until she is misdiagnosed in the future, whether it is for her own face, or her belief in her talents and medical skills, it is estimated that she will harm those patients. The milder may just be some suffering, but if it is serious , Then it may be a life.

Doctors! Whether it is western medicine or traditional Chinese medicine, only this point is common. What they hold is the life of the patient, and each patient must be treated seriously, and the mentality must also be peaceful, rather than arrogant and blind self-confidence, over-confidence , It may harm people.

It can be said that what Mu Yue said really added fuel to the Bai Yan's fire.

Mu Yue was saying this deliberately, whether it was before or now, or even the next test, whether or not there is cheating in the next, as long as it is not answered by Baiyan, it is cheating.

These words also made other young disciples who participated in the selection quota like Mu Yue very dissatisfied.

Their dissatisfaction was not directed at Mu Yue, but at Bai Yan.

Although they all knew their medical skills were too bad, they also hoped that they would be able to rush for another opportunity.

"Baiyan, there are many people smarter than you in this world. You are not the only genius of Chinese medicine!" Gu Han, a disciple of the Spleen and Stomach School, cast a mocking glance at Baiyan and gloated, "I used to say that you are a genius, that's because You haven't met yet!"

Everyone is a female disciple. Of course, whether it is their own masters or themselves, they will compare each other.

Thinking of how the elders of Chinese medicine said that Baiyan’s talent for Chinese medicine was so good, they should learn more with her in the future, and they should study harder and make up for their talent with diligence.

Now that she sees Baiyan making a fool of herself, she is naturally gloating.

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