Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2296: Chinese medicine genius is out of date 3

Situ Zhao of the Cold and Cool School also chuckled lightly, agreeing very much with Gu Han's words, "This is true. This is the legendary Jishengyu He Shengliang!"

Alas, in the past, my own patriarchal master often babbled in his ears, saying that he was no better than a liar like Baiyan.

As a result, he was forced by his master to study Chinese medicine every day, and he had no easy days. Now he can finally get revenge.

Bai Yan heard Shen Jiangyu's silly words one by one, and the anger in her heart was constantly burning, extremely angry.

As the oldest of these candidates, Yu Xiaolan looked at this posture and acted as a peacemaker, "Well, everyone, stop talking, don’t quarrel, Baiyan is young and ignorant, you guys Can't these brothers and sisters be considerate?"

Then he turned his head and looked at Mu Yue, "Mu Yue, although I don't know how your medical skills are, you can't be so against Baiyan! She also knows it's wrong, just forget it! "

Facing Yu Xiaolan’s actions, Mu Yue’s lips curled up slightly, “I don’t know how I aimed at Baiyan? It seems that she aimed at me from beginning to end, right? How do you listen to your words Means that I have always been embarrassed and confessed? I am not familiar with you. You want to help your sisters. I will not stop them, but don't deliberately destroy my reputation!"

She didn't know what the relationship between Yu Xiaolan and Bai Yan was, but what she said was directed towards Bai Yan.

She didn't think that Yu Xiaolan did this because of her broad-mindedness.

But what is the purpose, otherwise, people with broad-mindedness will not only help Baiyan and not help her. They should be real peacemakers and help each other.

"Yeah, Yu Xiaolan, this matter is obviously Baiyan's fault. She has been holding on to it and slandering the reputation of the senior TCM doctor. You should ask her to apologize, not Mu Yue!" Lin Ziye of the Wen Bu faction also spoke to Yu Xiaolan with a little dissatisfaction.

Liu Xinning of the Jingfang School was also a little impatient and told the truth, "Yu Xiaolan, you used to follow Baiyan's butt, and now you are helping her. Do you have any thoughts about her!"

"Liu Xinning, don't talk nonsense!" Yu Xiaolan, who seemed to be stepped on the fox's tail, immediately stared at Liu Xinning angrily.

Several young children were about to quarrel, and the old Chinese doctors also hurriedly stood up to stop them.

"Okay, enough!" He Heng, an old master of traditional Chinese medicine who had taken over the faction, yelled at Yu Xiaolan and the others.

His own junior is either not up to the standard age, or too young to qualify for the competition, so this time he came here without a disciple, so he became one of the judges.

However, this situation really made him very dissatisfied.

When he took the exam just now, he also got it, and he also knew better than anyone, Mu Yue's understanding of medical books.

When Liu Xinning and others heard He Heng's scolding, they all lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

He Heng glanced dissatisfiedly at the culprit who caused this incident, and turned his head to Yu Oath and said, "Lao Yu, you should let your apprentice withdraw from this Korean medicine competition, right?"

Hearing He Heng's words, Yu sweared for a moment, but then nodded.

He knew what He Heng's words meant. What Bai Yan said just now not only offended them, old Chinese doctors, but also left a gap with these young disciples.

In such a situation, how to play and disagree with each other can easily affect the outcome of the game.

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