Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2297: Chinese medicine genius is out of date 4

I vowed to agree, but it does not mean that Baiyan agrees.

Bai Yan retorted and shouted, "Why don't you let me participate?"

She never expected that He Heng would directly deny her participation in the competition, which is really unfair.

Anyway, she is also the arrogant of Chinese medicine. There may be younger generations who are better than her. However, they are younger than her but have no better medical skills. Subconsciously, Bai Yan has directly eliminated Mu Yue, and still considers herself For the most.

"Yan'er, that's enough!" Yu Oath glared at Bai Yan dissatisfiedly, then snarled, "You still don't want to participate!"

Bai Yan was stomping her feet, her face full of grievances, as if she was really wronged, "Master, why don't you let me participate? Obviously my medical skills are the most powerful, and only I can defeat those. Korean medicine, why not let me participate!"

That said, everyone raised their eyebrows and looked at Baiyan with weird eyes.

What this girl said was really arrogant and arrogant!

What does it mean that only her medical skills are the most powerful, and only she can defeat those Korean doctors. Where does this place other students of Chinese medicine?

"Humph!" When Shen Jiangning and the others heard it, they all snorted coldly, sneered at what she said, and became more dissatisfied with her in their hearts.

The brilliance flowed in Mu Yue's eyes, and a faint smile rose slightly at the corner of his mouth.

This white face really didn't think he was enough to attract people's hatred, and he said these things that offended people.

"Ha ha ha..." This time even the masters of Shen Jiangyu, the old masters of Chinese medicine, were a little dissatisfied, sneered, turned to look at Yu Oath, "Lao Yu, I really didn't expect that your apprentice has already been born in blue. It's out of blue!"

Hearing what Baiyan said, it seemed that this Korean medicine competition, even if their disciples participated, it was just a foil. From the beginning to the end, Baiyan did the work alone!

This is not the game yet, they have already taken all the credit to themselves, which makes them very dissatisfied.

"Yes, not bad, not bad! I am very confident in my medical skills, and confidence is a must!" Gu Han's master Lin Jincheng said with a smile, but his smile didn't reach the bottom of his eyes, and he didn't tell the rest. Say it, "Too much confidence is arrogant!"

Yu Oath heard the words of his old friends, although it was a bit shameful, but there was no way to refute it. He only felt that it was really shameful to come this time.

"My old friends, please forgive me. Yan'er is young and ignorant, and she is not selective in her words. Please forgive me, I will take her out!" Yu Oath quickly clasped his fists and reported to the master of Chinese medicine present.

Then Yu Xie walked to Bai Yan, "Yan'er, go out with me!"

Bai Yan has been pouting her mouth, her face full of grievance and pity, "I won't go out, Master, they want to kick me out of the team, how can I be so good, Master..."

"Shut up!" Yu Xie glared at Bai Yan angrily, and pulled Bai Yan's wrist directly, "Follow me out!"

He can't let Baiyan stay here now, otherwise, his face would have to be lost.

"No, I don't want to go, Master, I won't go..." Bai Yan yelled while resisting the remaining oath.

Bai Yan originally didn't want to leave, but he couldn't hold back his master, and was dragged out of the hall, finally calming the hall, and the gunpowder-like atmosphere just disappeared.

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