Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2299: Participation quota decision 2

After some assessment, all the masters of Chinese medicine also have a good understanding of every disciple.

Everyone's level is almost the same, and some of them take up one or two more years of knowledge and have the upper hand.

Finally, it was decided that Mu Yue, Yu Xiaolan, Shen Jiangyu, Situ Zhao, and Gu Han would participate in the competition. Of course, a place was reserved for Lin Ziye as a candidate. If anyone has something to do, Lin Ziye can be substituted.

The number of places in this competition directly excluded Bai Yan, and everyone didn't even think about it.

For such a quota, everyone agrees very much, and there is no objection to it. The decision was made.

Chen Yukun laughed loudly, with pride on his old face. In the middle of the quota decision, he didn't say a word or made any comments, but the result was still as he expected, there was still Mu Yue.

"How is it? Do you have any objections to this referrer of mine?" Chen Yukun asked with a smile to all the old friends of Chinese medicine.

Fang Mo laughed, "Hehehe, how can there be any objections? We are so ignorant!"

"Yeah! We were too short-sighted before. Knowing that there are people outside the sky, we still don't want to accept it!" Tang Ran nodded in agreement, and said with a sigh.

"Although I don't know how Mu Yue's real practice diagnosis and treatment is, but from her understanding of finally, I believe that her Chinese medical skills have surpassed many of my disciples!" Lin Jincheng gave a fair judgment.

Listening to them, Chen Yukun was even more happy. He touched his beard and smiled haha, "I am still very happy to be recognized by you. Now let's decide on the team leader. Let Mu Yue take the post, everyone. Any comments?"


In the content of the assessment, there is not only recitation, but also a description of the symptoms of some cases, so that Mu Yue and others can give a good treatment plan. The treatment plans given by Mu Yue are all good and bold, but they After thinking about it, I feel that the treatment plan is the best.

At this time, everyone already understood some of Mu Yue's abilities, so everyone didn't have any objections.

The team leader of the competition gave Mu Yue the youngest person, which made the oldest Yu Xiaolan feel a little upset. Shouldn't it be the oldest of hers?

After all, the older one can handle things more calmly.

Moreover, Mu Yue's concern about Bai Yan just now made Yu Xiaolan feel a little uncomfortable with Mu Yue, so she couldn't help but speak, but there was not a trace of dislike or hostility in her tone, but more care and worry. , "Although Sister Mu Yue's medical skills are very good, can she be the leader of the team at such a young age?"

Mu Yue glanced at Yu Xiaolan who was speaking, and chuckled lightly. The tone of her speech was not angry, but she said modestly, "Yes, I am the youngest in the team, and this team leader is still the oldest. People do it!"

There are many people who oppose it. Those masters of Chinese medicine still think it is better for Mu Yue to be the leader, but before they raise any objections, Shen Jiangyu speaks.

"Can't you lead the team at a young age? But, I think Sister Mu Yue is the most suitable. After all, she founded Longteng Group from scratch, and even such a large group company is so well managed. How could she not do it well? Where's the leader?" Shen Jiangyu said to Yu Xiaolan with a smile.

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