Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2300: Participation quota decision 3

Liu Xinning nodded in agreement, "Well, I also agree. Although Mu Yue's younger sister is young, I also heard that she has her own company, and the company's development is very good now, which proves her. The leadership ability is very good. None of us has the kind of leadership experience that she has, so I think she is the most suitable team leader!"

"I agree and I agree too!" Gu Han also yelled, "Although Sister Mu Yue is very young, I am really willing to succumb to her medical skills. She is even more powerful than Bai Yan. I will take it! She will be the leader! "

Yu Xiaolan heard Shen Jiangyu's words, her pretty face flushed with anger.

She didn't expect that these teammates of hers were so ineffective. Is this the legendary teammate who is not afraid of enemies like gods but afraid of pigs?

Shen Jiangyu, none of them opposed, she was the only one opposed, how could she refute? Against?

Yu Xiaolan bit her lower lip, and the light of calculating and thinking kept shining in her eyes.

Peng Zheng smiled and nodded, and said, "Well, everyone is very good. Those of us who study Chinese medicine want to be open-minded and it is important to admit our shortcomings! Everyone has no opinion, so we still admire Let Yue be the team leader. I believe that with Mu Yue's ability, he will be able to lead everyone to defeat Korean medicine!"

"Yeah!" Chen Yukun also nodded and said with a smile, "Since it has been decided, let's get to know each other, and communicate more and cooperate with each other!"

A gleam of light flashed in Tang Ran's eyes, and he smiled and said, "Well, you can also discuss Chinese medicine with each other during this period. If you have any questions, you can also ask us old guys!"

"That's right, you guys stay in the capital before the game! Leave after the game!" Lin Jincheng also seemed to understand the meaning of Tang Ran's words and said with a smile.

It is estimated that before the end of the game, everyone is reluctant to leave, and wants to leave after watching the Chinese medicine and Korean medicine competition.

During this period, if your apprentices have any questions about understanding Chinese medicine, not only can they ask themselves, but also other masters of Chinese medicine. It is also good to give them a multi-faceted understanding.

Therefore, at this moment, Tang Ran and the others will try so hard to keep their apprentices behind. This is a good thing that rarely comes across.

In the past, they also held some seminars on Chinese medicine, but the seminars must have not been so long. Moreover, the people who participated in the seminars were old guys like them, and they didn't have any chance at all.

Shen Jiangyu and the others are both in college. With their master's status in the TCM world, if they participate in this TCM and Korean medicine competition, the school will not object to their absenteeism, so they will be fine if they don't go back.

But Mu Yue couldn't do it. She was still in the third year of high school and had to study!

Mu Yue said apologetically, "I guess I can't, I still have to go to school, at most I can only come to discuss with you every week!"

When everyone heard Mu Yue's words, they were a little entangled, go to school!

"Mu Yue, it's okay to go to school. With your medical skills, you can go directly to the Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. We can recommend you, and you don't need to take an exam!" A Chinese medicine master said to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue shook her head, "I still don't like to go through the back door, I want to get in by myself!"

"Ambitious!" Shen Jiangyu listened and gave a thumbs up, "Since the college entrance examination is about to be taken, it's okay. You can talk to us during weekends!"

"Thank you!"

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