Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2301: Participation quota decision 4

Mu Yue asked Chen Yukun curiously, "Old Chen, I want to ask, who is the referee in the Chinese medicine competition between China and South Korea? Is it Korean medicine or our Chinese medicine?"

Chen Yukun shook his head and said, "I don't know about this, nor did they say it!"

Mu Yue listened, and a gleam of eyes flashed in her eyes, "Old Chen, say something that sounds bad. If our country's Chinese medicine doctor sits on the referee, I am afraid that the Korean medicine is not willing, and the Korean medicine is the judge. Afraid of them doing tricks!"

Hearing Mu Yue's words, everyone nodded in deep agreement. It was indeed such a reason.

"Then what do you mean?" Peng Zheng looked at Mu Yue with a somewhat curious tone.

Now that Mu Yue had already said, then he believed that this girl must have already had a solution.

Sure enough, Mu Yue did not let them down, saying, "Since this is a medical competition between the two countries, then we will let doctors from other countries be the referees. I believe that Mr. Chen, you should know some internationally renowned and prestigious people. Expert doctors, let them come over to make referees, and by the way, let those Western medicine doctors all over the world also know our Chinese medicine doctors!"

Hearing Mu Yue's words like this, Chen and the others only felt blood boiled all over, and they hadn't felt this way for a long time.

They are getting old, their bodies are no longer hot, and they even feel powerless to revitalize Chinese medicine.

However, what Mu Yue is saying now is the best idea for revitalizing Chinese medicine in China.

"I agree with this idea. In this case, not only we believe in the fairness of the game, but even the Korean medical practitioners in South Korea should also believe in it. Moreover, let other countries pay attention to this game. I think they are eager!"

"Yeah, those guys have long wanted to use Korean medicine to squeeze our Chinese medicine down. This opportunity is the best opportunity, and they will definitely agree!"

"Then let's do it, I believe they will also wish to do it!"

"They are just a bunch of guys who don't have the ability to show off everywhere! This time they want to step on our heads to climb up, but it's a pity that their conspiracy can't succeed this time!"

All the masters of Chinese medicine sneered, and had no fear of the challenge of Korean medicine.

At this time, Fang Mo looked worried again, reminding everyone, "It's just that those experts who are referees don't understand the knowledge of Chinese medicine, and they are not easy to judge!"

"Yes, they don't know Chinese medicine, and they don't know which prescription we are prescribing is good. How to judge this?" Lin Jincheng also frowned and began to worry.

Mu Yue also thought more about the questions raised by Lin Jincheng and others.

Indeed, the major international experts are Western medicine, and they don’t know Chinese medicine, so they can’t judge whether the Chinese medicine is good or bad, and which one is better.

After thinking about it, Mu Yue suggested, "That way, we suggest finding some illnesses that can get immediate results. Whose method can be effective on the spot, or it can be effective in one or two days, even if you win the game!"

The masters of Chinese medicine all looked at each other, nodded, and expressed their agreement.

"This can be!"

Chen Yukun nodded in agreement, and said decisively, "Well, it's this kind of game anyway. As for how to play, we will discuss it again and we can't let them take advantage of it!"

With Chen Yukun's approval, the corners of Mu Yue's lips raised, which was considered a thing.

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