Everyone went home one after another. Mu Haiye came back, just cursing Xiao Junyan while comforting Mu Yue, so that she should not be too sad, where there is no fragrant grass in the world, and it is not about hanging on Xiao Junyan's school tree.

The third aunt comforted Mu Yue, "Xiao Yue'er, don't be sad, I believe that Xiao Xiao should have some difficulties!"

Mu Yue nodded lightly, wiping her tears, "Well, I also believe that Senior Brother Xiao, he would rather be injured than me, I believe he has difficulties!"

"What's your problem? Even if you have a problem, you should tell it. It's not like that you can dissolve the marriage contract without saying that!" Hearing this, Mu Haiye became even more angry and cursed, "Now people outside know that the Xiao family has cancelled The marriage contract, they are all watching the jokes of our Mu's family, and they are all talking bad things about Xiaoyue'er!"

They were very clear about what they said, didn't they think that Mu Yue didn't live in Mu's family before.

I have always lived outside, and I only feel that it is a wild girl, who is not worthy of Xiao Junyan or something.

Had it not been for Mu Yue had always been very competitive, not only had a group company, but also had such superb medical skills.

It is estimated that those people will say Mu Yue worse.

"Well, don't you say a few words!" Listening to Mu Haiye's words, the third aunt turned her head and glared at him with dissatisfaction.

Mu Haiye said depressedly, "I'm telling the truth! I've written down all those guys. From now on, they don't want Xiaoyue'er to help the people in their family!"

Those who say bad things about Mu Yue naturally don't have people who want to make good friends with Mu's family in their hearts.

Some people who don't think Mu Yue's medical skills are good, but are just in a state of onlookers, look down on Mu Yue, just feel that she has never been in the same world with them.

Now that the news came out, he began to mock and despise Mu Yue.

Among these, many people have made friends with Gan Jiahua's family.

Moreover, there are also the Feng family in the second room of the Xiao family.

These things, Mu Haiye went to investigate after knowing that Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan's marriage contract had ended.

At this time, you can also see who has a bad relationship with them, and they will remember.

Those who dare to insult Mu Yue, their Mu family will never befriend them again.

Mu Yue's originally depressed mood, when he heard Mu Haiye's last words, a slight smile appeared on his face.

Seeing the smile on Mu Yue's face, Mu Yifeng smiled and said, "Yes, Dad, you are right. Since they dare to speak ill of you, they will only stare at you in the future and let them feel what they are today. Pay for the mistakes you make! Sister Yue, we will help you remember them, and if they dare to find you in the future, we will help you get back!"

Mu Yue wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and nodded gently, "Thank you, San Bo!"

Mu Haiye waved her hand, glared at Mu Yue with dissatisfaction, and said falsely, "What do you say thank you?"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded gently.

Father Mu looked at Mu Yue's mood a lot better, and he joked and said with a snort, "Huh, those guys dare to say bad things about Xiao Yue, don't think that after this matter is over, you can treat it as nothing. If it happens, deal with the Xiao family first, then deal with them, and send a rejection post to each of them! Humph!"

"This is good!" Mu Yifeng clapped his hands and gave Mr. Mu a thumbs up, expressing his approval.

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