In the evening, Mu Haihua and the others came one by one, comforting Mu Yue, don't make her sad, they will ask for justice for her in this matter.

Mu Haixuan touched Mu Yue's head, and said indulgingly, "Xiao Yue, don't worry, Dad will be on your side. Dad has already helped you find that bastard, dad. He will definitely seek justice for you, let him kneel in front of you and pray for your forgiveness!"

"Yes, that's right, even if we can't beat that stinky boy, isn't there still your father? With your father, that stinky boy is the grandson monkey, who can't get out of your father's palm!" Mu Haixu also agreed. Nodded, gritted his teeth and said.

Aunt Four frowned and said, "I don't think Xiao Xiao is that kind of person?"

"I think so too!" The aunt nodded in agreement.

Mu Haiwei said dissatisfied, "Huh, what do you know? They have already divorced, and you are still helping that stinky boy!"

"I don't understand, but I can feel it, you big men, who wants to wash your hands and make soup for a girl?" The big aunt gave a cold snort of dissatisfaction and glared at Mu Hai. Wei et al.

"Sister-in-law is right. Although the Xiao family is about to dissolve the marriage contract, this does not necessarily mean that Xiao Xiao is dissolving the marriage contract. After all, Xiao Xiao has never appeared before, and it is the old man Xiao who wants to cancel the marriage contract!" Nodded, and said in agreement.

In this family, only the women like the eldest aunt still believe that Xiao Junyan really likes Mu Yue, and feel that it is impossible for him to cancel the marriage contract casually.

Mu Yue raised her crystal clear eyes and looked at the auntie and them, "Auntie, do you also think that it is impossible for Senior Brother Xiao to dissolve the marriage contract?"

The third aunt nodded and comforted Mu Yue, "Yes, Xiao Yueer, although I don't know why the Xiao family broke the marriage contract, I think Xiao Xiao really loves you, and what he showed before is definitely not a fake!"

"Huh, what's not to be a fake? If it wasn't for Xiao Junyan that stinky boy to dissolve the marriage contract himself, would Grandpa Xiao come over? I believe Grandpa Xiao is not the kind of blind person!" Mu Haihua snorted coldly, and said dissatisfied.

The second aunt frowned, as if she was thinking of something, she glanced at the crowd, "Oh, maybe I think of something!"

"What?" Everyone looked at the second aunt in confusion.

Mu Yue turned to look at her second aunt, with some expectation and inquiries in her eyes, "Second aunt, do you know something?"

The second aunt patted the back of Mu Yue's hand, "Xiao Yue'er, do you remember that you used to fortune telling Xiao Xiao?"

After the second aunt's reminder, a light flashed before Mu Yue's eyes, suddenly enlightened.

"Why didn't I expect it!" The expression in Mu Yue's eyes flashed and she muttered to herself, "Yes, that's right, since I fortune-telled Senior Brother Xiao, Senior Brother Xiao has become different. Up!"

When these words fell, the elder mother looked at Mu Yue distressedly, and said guessingly, "Could it be that Xiao Xiao was afraid that he would die soon before he would just break the engagement first?"

"I think there is no other possibility besides this possibility!" The third aunt also nodded in agreement.

Elder Mu also wrinkled his brows tightly, tapping the armrest of the sofa lightly with his fingers, his expression also looked very tangled and hesitant.

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