Mu Yue also learned something from Xiao Junyan, and heard Xiao Junyan talk about the reasons for his creation of these forces, and the existence of these people is known to the elders above.

Because these were all made by Xiao Junyan, they were considered to belong to Xiao Junyan's assets, even if he wanted to give them to Mu Yue, it was okay.

Moreover, if they are incorporated into Mu Yue's company, it will be more convenient if needed in the future, and it will also help them perform their tasks.

After introducing herself for a while, Xiao Junyan glanced at the crowd and frowned slightly, seeming to notice something wrong, "Where is Yin Yun?"

Hearing Xiao Junyan's question, everyone looked at each other and frowned, all wondering whether or not to say.

Xiao Junyan looked at their appearance, his expression cold, his voice became colder, "What about people?"

"Yin Yun went back to his hometown. I heard that his sister has uremia!" Everyone looked at each other and explained.

Although everyone has heard that Mu Yue knows medical skills and is still a Chinese medicine doctor, everyone does not think that Mu Yue can cure diseases like uremia.

This kind of disease is a disease that even Western medical experts can't cure. How could such a little girl as Mu Yue be cured?

Therefore, everyone has never said to Xiao Junyan, nor thought about asking Mu Yue to treat Yin Yun's sister.

"Why did you just say it now?" Xiao Junyan's expression was a little cold, and he glanced at everyone.

Ouyang Promise, who originally had a more detached personality, shrank his neck and said weakly, "Yin Yun doesn't want us to trouble you, and, the boss can't help you with this kind of thing, so I didn't talk to you. Said!"

"Yes, we are also going to let him take his sister to a foreign country for treatment!" Ye Qianze also nodded and said.

Xiao Junyan's expression was very serious, and his brows were tightly furrowed together. He naturally knew that uremia was not so easy to treat, and there was no way abroad.

After hearing this, Mu Yue thought about it, she also saw this name in the information Xiao Junyan gave her.

"Let him come to the capital, I'll take a look!" Mu Yue thought for a while and said to Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan nodded gently, "Okay!"

For a moment, he almost forgot Mu Yue, and now she spoke, her heart was relieved.

Bai Xiche said with some disapproval, "Little sister-in-law, I heard that you are a doctor, and your medical skills are good, but this uremia is not a common disease, and it is not so easy to cure!"

"Yeah! Sister-in-law, we know that you are also concerned about Yin Yun, but we have already contacted famous hospitals and expert doctors for his sister, so don't bother you!" Ye Qianze also said.

Now they still feel that Mu Yue's ability is still not enough to treat sister Yin Yun's illness.

Xiao Junyan looked very cold when they didn't believe Mu Yue's words, "Shut up!"

"Jun Yan!" Mu Yue grabbed Xiao Junyan's hand, shook his head at him, and looked at everyone, "I think you also know about diseases like uremia. Although you have sought out those expert doctors abroad, I think you also know that even if you send people abroad, you can’t really cure the patient, right?”

She knew that these people did not believe in their own medical skills. After all, their age was placed here, and they were still studying Chinese medicine. They suspected that they were normal.

Therefore, Mu Yue was not angry.

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