Listening to Mu Yue's words, everyone's expressions were a bit heavy.

When they heard the news, they also learned about the condition through their own communication network. They knew that even the high-tech foreign countries could not be treated.

At most, it is to reduce some pain or prolong some life.

The same is true. They didn't tell Xiao Junyan about this, and the person who was sick was Yin Yun's younger sister, not Yin Yun.

If Yin Yun had the disease, he had to tell Xiao Junyan, even if he couldn't help him, he still had to know.

"If this is the case, why not let him take his sister to the capital first, I will show his sister, it is really impossible, then let Jun Yan send someone to go abroad, the hospital and expert doctors you contact!" Mu Yue smiled slightly and said to everyone.

Mu Yue's words caused everyone to look at each other, seeming to agree with what she said.

Xiao Junyan also spoke and said, "Notify Yin Yun that Yue can be treated!"

These brothers of his didn't know Mu Yue's medical skills, but he knew, and he knew, Mu Yue's eyes.

Although he didn't want to see Mu Yue's ability to use her eyes to see a doctor, but Yin Yun once saved his life, and he must save his sister.

And he also felt that if Mu Yue treated Yin Yun's sister, it might be possible that she would not have the power of her eyes and would not harm her.

Now that Xiao Junyan had spoken, Ouyang promised nodded, "Okay, I will notify him so that he can bring his sister out as soon as possible!"

"Well, when the time comes to send the person, tell me and send it to Jun Yan's villa!" Mu Yue nodded and said to Ouyang Noun.

"Then thank you Sister-in-law!" Although I didn't believe that Mu Yue's medical skills could cure Sister Yin Yun's illness, Ouyang Promise said to Mu Yue gratefully.

At least, Mu Yue is also concerned about Yin Yun's body. She is their sister-in-law, and they are also very satisfied.

They all knew the identity of Xiao Junyan, and they were originally worried that Mu Yue would look down on them because of their status as soldiers.

But now I get along with Mu Yue, but I don't feel that way. Instead, I take care of them and look forward to the future. Of course, I don't have to worry about working under Mu Yue's hand.

Mu Yue smiled slightly and glanced at the people who are still very strange to him, "We don't know yet, and everyone doesn't know me well, but it doesn't matter. In the future, everyone will have time to understand!"

She knew that these people didn't know each other, even if they knew something about themselves, they still hadn't got their approval.

Therefore, when they treated him, they were still a little alienated, and there were still some vigilance.

If it were not because Xiao Junyan was their boss and Mu Yue was still recognized by Xiao Junyan, it is estimated that they would not be willing to work under Mu Yue.

"What the little sister-in-law said is that there will be opportunities in the future! We also want to really understand the sister-in-law!" Ouyang promised to say with a smile on his face.

Mu Yue glanced at Ouyang Promise, only this time she met, she already knew the character of this guy, so she should be everyone's spokesperson.

"Well, it will take a long time to see people's hearts!" Mu Yue nodded, "As you know, I founded a group company myself. Because the company is just at the development stage, it lacks talents and people to trust, so I asked Jun Yan to recommend it. Some people give it to me!"

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