Mu Yue smiled at the corner of her mouth and said, "Because, Xiao Kexin is pregnant!"

"Ping Pong!"

Everyone in the hall heard this with shocked expressions on their faces.

Elder Xiao also understood the meaning of Mu Yue's words, but, after being shocked, he was angry. He slapped him on the table and yelled, "Xiao Kexin!"

Xiao Kexin looked at Mu Yue in surprise and disbelief at this time, and she couldn't believe it was true.

She didn't even know about this, how could Mu Yue know it?

Mu Yue must have been using her to get rid of her, she must have been.

Xiao Kexin swears in her heart that this is not true, and glared at Mu Yue angrily, "Nonsense, bitch, you slander my reputation!"

Out of anger, Xiao Kexin flew towards Mu Yue with teeth and claws.

Without Mu Yue's move, Xiao Junyan stood in front of Mu Yue in a flash, with his palm ruthlessly falling on Xiao Kexin's stomach, and deliberately hit his stomach.

However, Xiao Junyan's hand strength was very clever, and even though Xiao Kexin would definitely be blown away by this palm, he would not be able to get to the child in her stomach, and would only have a small impact.

Xiao Kexin was beaten out and fell to the ground, and this fell on the ground was different from the website. This time she lay directly on the ground, holding her belly in pain and screaming, "It hurts... it hurts, my stomach is good. pain……"

There was a playful smile at the corner of Mu Yue's mouth, knowing that Xiao Junyan's move was very measured, and as long as she made the move, Xiao Kexin's child would still be able to keep it.

Seeing Xiao Kexin's appearance, Feng Jiahui screamed, and hurried to her side, "Kexin, what's wrong with you? Don't scare mom!"

Xiao Kexin was supported by Feng Jiahui, leaning against her arms, her face was pale, and a thin layer of sweat burst out on her forehead, "I... my stomach hurts, it hurts to death!"

She could feel some liquid flowing out slowly.

After a while, there was a little red blood on the white ground.

"Damn it, isn't it true?" Xiao Fengyi covered her mouth in surprise, and cried out in surprise.

Tang Yalan looked at this situation and quickly turned to look at Mu Yue, "Yue girl, hurry up and have a look!"

Mu Yue slowly got up from the sofa and said, "I'll take a look, but in fact, there should be nothing wrong. Only when Jun Yan hits her stomach, will she show signs of miscarriage!"

With that said, Mu Yue had already squatted beside Xiao Kexin and put a few needles on her body.

Xiao Kexin, whose face and lips were pale in pain, and her body trembling was also less painful. She fell into Feng Jiahui's arms like mud.

"Look, all right!" Mu Yue smiled and stood up and said.

She used the treatment to prove that Xiao Kexin was really pregnant and not injured by Xiao Junyan. Besides, where was the bleeding from the injury? It must be a sign of miscarriage during pregnancy.

When Elder Xiao saw this situation, there was nothing else he didn't understand, and he patted the table angrily, "Say, who is that man?"

If Xiao Kexin has a man he likes outside, it is better, at least they are mentally prepared.

However, they didn't even know about it, and even Feng Jiahui didn't know about it. Xiao Kexin must have been messing around outside.

The things that come out of this mess can be big, so Father Xiao is so angry.

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