Xiao Kexin, who was leaning in Feng Jiahui's arms, was so pale when he was questioned, she didn't know what to say.

All this is because of Mu Yue. If it weren't for her, how could she have become like this?

Although Mu Yue helped her treat her a little, she didn't have a miscarriage and saved the baby, but she still hated Mu Yue.

Xiao Kexin turned her head and stared at Mu Yue grimly, "It's you, you must have harmed me! Otherwise, how could you know about me?"

A smile appeared at the corner of Mu Yue’s mouth, "Although I don’t know how you did it, and I don’t know who you are playing with, but my medical skills must be known to everyone. I can pass one You can know the person’s condition by the face of a person, and I will know your condition through your face, and know that you have a happy event!"

"Yeah, these are all well-known things. Mu Yue's eyes are fiery and golden, and there is nothing to fool her!" Xiao Fengyi also laughed proudly, and looked at Xiao Kexin mockingly, "I'm messing around outside, now I'm making a mess. When such a child with an unknown father comes out, will you still fall on the head of your younger siblings? How ridiculous!"

Had it not happened today, Xiao Fengyi would have never expected Xiao Kexin to be such a ignorant woman.

Feng Jiahui, who was supporting Xiao Kexin, also looked at her in shock.

As the mother of two children, Feng Jiahui couldn't understand Xiao Kexin's current situation, whether she was pregnant or not?

She did not expect that her daughter would do such a thing.

"Ke Xin, what the **** is going on, tell me, what happened?" Feng Jiahui asked Xiao Kexin with gritted teeth.

Just as she was preaching to Mu Yue, now Mu Yue retaliated against her, which made Feng Jiahui very resentful, and her daughter slapped her in the face.

And most importantly, she, a mother, didn't even know what her daughter was doing outside.

If she knew, there wouldn't be such a shameful scene as it is today.

Xiao Kexin bit her lower lip and didn't know how to speak for a while, so she could only cry.

Mu Yue kindly reminded Xiao Kexin, "Don't be too emotional, be careful of the child in your stomach!"

These words, on the contrary, made Xiao Kexin even more resentful of Mu Yue, turning her head and staring at her fiercely.

Now all of her is caused by Mu Yue, if it weren't for her to deal with her, would he go to Hu Shijie's wolf in sheep's clothing?

But to explain, she couldn't explain it, it was Hua Shijie who she took the initiative to look for for Mu Yue, but was eventually defiled by Hua Shijie.

What Xiao Kexin couldn't accept the most was that the two of them did it once and did it once, and she actually became pregnant with the **** of Hua Shijie.

Tang Yalan and Xiao Fengyi glanced at each other, and they didn't expect that Xiao Kexin, who seemed to be a well-behaved in the past, would be so rebellious. It was too incredible for them to do such a thing.

"I guess it's self-inflicted!" Xiao Fengyi thought secretly, thinking that Xiao Kexin had been aiming at Mu Yue before, saying that she was improper, God is really long-eyed, it's not that the time has not come to report, and now the revenge is on Xiao Kexin herself. Up.

And their Xiao family's faces are probably lost because of Xiao Kexin.

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