Hearing Xiao Kexin's cry, the old man Xiao only felt that the flame in his heart was even more difficult to calm. He scolded and asked angrily, "Say, who is it?"

It's fine to slander Mu Yue in front of her. She is still unscrupulous and has the face to talk about other people. His old face feels that he can't see people. I really don't know where she has the courage and face.

The scolding made Xiao Kexin tremble and her voice trembling replied, "Yes...It's Hua Shijie, wow! I went to the club to play, and she gave me to..."

In the end, Xiao Kexin didn't say any more, and even less face to say.

She didn't say that it was Hua Shijie who she went to find first, but she didn't expect to be counterattacked instead.

At this moment, she could only push all these charges to Hua Shijie.

Moreover, this incident was originally designed by Hua Shijie to frame her and seized her body. It was originally Hua Shijie's fault. She was just a victim.

"What?" Hearing the name Xiao Kexin said, everyone in the hall except Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan showed shock and disbelief on their faces.

They did not expect that the person who ruined Xiao Kexin's reputation turned out to be Hua Shijie of the Hua family.

"Hua family! It turned out to be the Hua family!" Feng Jiahui gritted her teeth angrily.

Because of the love and trust she had in Xiao Kexin in the past, Feng Jiahui naturally believed that what she said was true.

From beginning to end, it was Hua Shijie who designed and framed his daughter, and he ruined everything about his daughter.

Mu Yue looked at Feng Jiahui and Xiao Kexin, and there was a flash of sarcasm in his eyes. Sometimes, the poor person must be hateful.

I believe that after this incident spreads, the relationship between the Hua family and the Gan family will be broken.

Tang Yalan turned her head to look at Grandpa Xiao with a serious and entangled expression, "Dad, what do you think about this matter?"

"Since the people of the Hua family have bullied our Xiao family, they naturally want them to give us an explanation!" Mu Yue said with a calm face, "Find the people of the Hua family to settle the accounts, so that they can still be fair! "

"No! You can't go to the Hua family, it will ruin Kexin!" Feng Jiahui yelled when she heard Mu Yue's words without even thinking about it.

Mu Yue looked at Feng Jiahui mockingly, "Second aunt, do you think this is something to hide? If Kexin is pregnant, her belly will grow up sooner or later. People in the entire capital will know about your second aunt, then. On the contrary, things are even bigger. Our Xiao family’s face is lost even more, second aunt, your face is lost even more!"

Feng Jiahui's face was even more ugly by Mu Yue's words, she only felt that her chest was blocked in one breath, and she couldn't get in or get out.

"I think so too. This belly is always getting bigger. When someone asks, how do we answer? Was it strengthened by others? Or was it voluntary? Even if it was voluntary, it wouldn't look good, right?" Xiao Fengyi also had both hands. The superimposed one was placed in front of his belly, and he nodded with a serious face, and said analytically.

At this time, she was already holding back her smile and her stomach hurts. Please allow her to press her stomach, oops, it's going to die!

Seeing Xiao Kexin and Feng Jiahui eating dead flies, let alone how funny and happy they were.

If they don’t want others to know, she also wants to let others know. Although this shame is also a shame for the Xiao family, in the end it is the second room of the Xiao family who is the most shameful.

Those who point and point will not point to their heads, so don't worry.

"Notify Shufeng, let him come soon!"

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