Regarding Xiao Kexin's treatment, Elder Xiao still called Xiao Shufeng and asked him to come over. He, the father, must also know about this matter.

With Mu Yue there, Elder Xiao doesn't have to worry about Xiao Kexin's body.

Xiao Kexin leaned in Feng Jiahui's arms and cried, only feeling that her whole heart was sinking into the abyss.

Mu Yue leisurely leaned on Xiao Junyan's arm and whispered to him in a whisper.

This matter has nothing to do with them anyway, they just watch the show, by the way, it's okay to put some oil on the fire.

When he received a call from Mr. Xiao, even if he was in a meeting, Xiao Shufeng had to give up the meeting and go directly to Mr. Xiao's yard.

Only when I arrived in this hall, I saw Xiao Kexin crying in Feng Jiahui's arms, and Feng Jiahui's face was not good.

Elder Xiao also "rested" from above, and the matter was also negotiated and decided to implement the plan.

Since Xiao Kexin found this by herself and sought the skin from the tiger, no wonder they had taken advantage of it.

Feng Jiahui didn't know if she should feel distressed or angry, so she let Xiao Kexin cry in her arms.

"This...what's going on?" Xiao Shufeng looked at this posture with all doubts and puzzles on his face.

Elder Xiao pointed at Xiao Kexin and said, "Ask your good daughter yourself!"

Hearing what Elder Xiao said, Xiao Shufeng turned his head to look at Xiao Kexin, with a bit of incomprehensible curiosity on his face, what is going on?

"What happened?" Xiao Shufeng frowned and asked Feng Jiahui and Xiao Kexin.

Feng Jiahui looked up stiffly, looked at Xiao Shufeng, opened her mouth, but couldn't speak.

This matter was fine in my own home, but it happened that Mu Yue was still here, and she stabbed this matter out.

Xiao Kexin also felt ashamed of this matter, and even lowered her head even lower without saying a word.

Seeing Feng Jiahui's mother and daughter not talking, Xiao Shufeng was puzzled and angry. What stupid things did these two women do?

"Say!" Xiao Shufeng shouted angrily.

It’s just that, watching Feng Jiahui’s mother and daughter’s posture, Xiao Fengyi coughed and said kindly, "Second Uncle, let me talk to you! You can do it in eight or nine months. Grandpa!"

When Xiao Shufeng heard Xiao Fengyi's words, the expression on his old face was stunned, his eyes widened, and he asked, "What?"

"I mean, Second Uncle, you are going to be a grandfather soon!" Xiao Fengyi smiled and repeated the sentence again.

Xiao Shufeng was even more shocked right now, and suddenly turned his head and stared at his daughter Xiao Kexin. The "grandpa" can only be the child born from his daughter, who is called his grandfather. Could it be Xiao Kexin?

"Xiao Kexin, come on!" Xiao Shufeng called Xiao Kexin angrily.

Xiao Kexin was frightened by Xiao Shufeng's scolding, and her body trembled and trembling, "I...I...Dad, this is not my voluntary, I was calculated by someone, it was Hua Shijie who calculated me. , He took my body!"

After speaking, Xiao Kexin burst into tears again.

She also didn't expect that she would win the bid at one time, so accurate, even if she wanted to get rid of the relationship with Hua Shijie, it would be impossible.

"What!" Xiao Shufeng heard the truth from Xiao Kexin's ears, and almost fainted with anger.

He did not expect that his daughter would have done that kind of thing, which is really a shame for him.

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