Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2981: Things have happened 2

Ye Tianming watched the doctor and soldier take out the stretcher from the inside, and carried Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan into the health clinic with a serious expression.

He took out his mobile phone, hesitated for a moment, and dialed Mr. Mu's number.

While listening to Peking opera at home, Mr. Mu, who took a sip of tea from time to time, heard the phone ringing and was a little dissatisfied, but he still answered.

"Who is it?" Mr. Mu asked in a somewhat dissatisfied tone.

Ye Tianming's voice was a little low, "Mr Mu, it's me!"

"Oh, Ye family kid, didn't you go to Pingcheng with Xiao Yue? Didn't Xiao Bao just arrive in Pingcheng? Why, what's the matter?" Mr. Mu said suddenly when he heard Ye Tianming's voice.

Ye Tianming moved his lips. He didn't know what to say for a while. After thinking about it, he said, "Mr Mu, something has happened!"

"Something... something happened? What happened?" Hearing what Ye Tianming said, he subconsciously thought of Mu Yue's body, "Yes...Is there something wrong with Xiao Yue?"

"The little sister-in-law is nothing serious, just a coma. It's the boss. The boss is seriously injured to protect the little sister-in-law. You should contact Master Dongfang and ask him to come quickly. Now only Master Dongfang can save the boss!" Ye Tianming said quickly.

When Mr. Mu heard the words, his face showed a shocked look, "What? Xiao Yue'er was in a coma? Xiao Xiao was seriously injured in order to protect Xiao Yue'er?"

Ye Tianming quickly reminded Mr. Mu, “Yes, Mr. Mu, you should go to Master Dongfang quickly!”

Because of Xiao Junyan's situation, Dongfangsheng stayed in the capital directly and did not travel anywhere else, but lived in some Taoist temples and temples on the outskirts of the capital. Both the Mu family and the Xiao family knew his whereabouts.

Therefore, it is very easy to find Xiao Junyan now.

"Oh, okay, I'll be right now!" Elder Mu quickly nodded and said to Ye Tianming, "Xiao Yue'er is really okay? Is Xiao Xiao's life in danger?"

"Little sister-in-law is okay, but she fainted. The boss is hard to say. Now the doctor is working hard to rescue him, so I hope to send Master Dongfang as soon as possible!" Ye Tianming said to Mr. Mu quickly.

Elder Mu nodded with a serious face, "I see, I will contact the military and let them send a special plane!"

Hearing that Mu Yue fainted and Xiao Junyan was seriously injured, Mr. Mu was still very worried and anxious, but he knew that at this time, he still had to notify Dongfang Sheng and let him go to Pingcheng first.

As for what is going on in this matter, you can ask later.

Director Bao walked in from outside and saw Ye Tianming, "What happened?"

Just now Ye Tianming went to chase people and said that people were arrested. He also went personally, so he didn't know what was going on here.

When I walked in, I saw Ye Tianming standing there calling.

"The car exploded. The boss injured his back seriously in order to protect his sister-in-law. I don't know the specifics. Now he was sent in by the doctor for rescue!" Ye Tianming sighed and said solemnly.

When Director Bao heard the words, his eyes widened in surprise, and he said in horror, "What? Someone is going to kill Xiao Dashao and Miss Mu? And in order to protect Miss Mu, Xiao Dashao was seriously injured? It's a mess!"

He had been able to predict that the big wave that would be set off in the capital was coming.

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